December 14, 2008

0. Welcome!

Welcome to Sith Wanderers, and thanks for visiting us!

Depending on how you got here, you may have a few questions.  We'll do our best to answer those for you... but if you have any more questions, feel free to leave us a comment here or on our facebook page, and we'll try to clear it up for you, and maybe even add it in to this explanation for future readers!

What exactly is this place?

This is a blog (duh) where two guys have chronicled a story that they've been writing together for over two years and counting.  More simply, it's a type of Star Wars Fan Fiction... though we really just prefer to call it a Star Wars Story (Fan Fiction often has a negative connotation).

Star Wars... so you like... write about Luke Skywalker and stuff?

No, not really.  Same universe, same basic idea... couple thousand years off.  If Star Wars: A New Hope happened a Long long time ago... our story happened a Long long time ago plus about 3,500 years.  If you follow the expanded universe of Star Wars and/or kick ass video games, these stories take place a little bit after the events of Knights of the Old Republic I and II.

How did this start?

Well, honestly it just started out as a way to waste time working overnight shifts.  Both authors had a passing interest in writing, and we came across a site that was in essence a role-playing site for Star Wars.  As time went on, our style changed to more of a direct story telling, and distanced from standard role-playing.  This is why, if you choose to start at the beginning of the story, you will see a shift in style pretty rapidly in the 100-200 post range.  Somewhere in there.

So yeah... now that you mention it, where should I start?

That's a pretty loaded question.  The answer is this:  Wherever you want!  I'll try to be a bit more helpful though.

The first option is to start at post #1. This is actually a good place to start even if you plan on picking up the story at a later point.  The first two posts are character introductions, and they give a short description of the two main characters and a brief history on the character as well.  If you start from this point, you can scroll to the bottom, there will be a link to the next post, and so on.  Warning:  We advise this method only for those strong in the stomach and high in patience.  Our best work didn't really start until between one and two hundred posts in, so please stick with it and give it a shot or pick it up later if this isn't really your pot of tea.  The bright side is that these earlier posts are all quite a bit shorter than our later ones, so they go by quickly.

Another option is just to pick up where we are at right now.  Again, you may want to go to the beginning and at least read the intros to the two main characters... but that's up to you.  You can just check back a few times during the week and see if there's something new for you.  The front page always displays several posts... so it's easy enough to scroll down to find the last post you recognize and move up from there.

If you do that, you can also go read the synopsis we posted a while back.  You'll be missing out on quite a bit since then... but you'll have a good back history and you can also ask either of the authors to fill you in on what happened in the meantime.

The aforementioned synopsis is also a decent place to pick up... just because you can read the history and pick up from there.  It gives you quite a bit to read before you're caught up, but it doesn't make you read the 3 novels worth before it.  That synopsis will place you towards the beginning of the Story Arc we referred to as 'The Heist'.  It's a long story, and quite honestly took us a bit longer than planned... but we still feel like you'll enjoy it.

Lastly, if you want to get most of the story, but you're scared off by my comment about how our earlier writing wasn't up to our current standards... you should pick up at the start of our 'Pirates... Yar! story arc.  It was one of the most fun parts of the story, and it's after we had started to hit our stride.  At least one of our readers has told us this was still their favorite part.

Or you can just pick a random spot to pick up and go there.  Here's a list of all our different main story arcs.

Ok... that's pretty cool.  Reading through on the blog is a pain/I don't like your colors, they hurt my eyes!

Well, it's with you the reader who doesn't want to read SO much on the site in mind that we created our Printable/Downloadable Versions.  We don't update these constantly... so you can't follow us consistently using these... but it should get you through the meat of our stuff.  If you are just picking them up now, shoot us a note and tell us you're about to attempt to read all or most of our stuff.  We'd be happy to update these versions so they get you to where we're at, at least as of when you start or let us know.  If you are interested in perhaps a different format, please let us know.  Erik wants to make 'smaller' versions to show up better on his Kindle/Datapad.

You should also be able to follow us on any RSS feed you may use.  If the black background is a pain for you, I recommend this strongly.  It will allow you to follow us to the minute (sometimes a bit quicker on accident), and you won't have to read on our ugly site.  Erik personally uses Google Reader.

We do strongly encourage you stop by to leave us notes/comments on our Facebook or preferably on this site when a particular post or part of the story strikes you.  Even if it makes you cringe.  Let us know!  We crave feedback.  You can find any post pretty easily by using the search box on the right column of the site and just typing in the post number you're looking for.

Can I send these to my friends?

Sure!  Tell them all about us!  We have a non-derivative Creative Commons license, which essentially means that as long as you don't alter what we've written, or make new stories using characters that we've created, you're more than happy to give out our story as much as you'd like, as long as we're given credit!  In fact, we'd love it if you did that!  If you're unsure about something... when all else fails... ask us.

And on that note...

We would like of course to thank the role-players who helped us along our way, particularly Eiron and Tyrrazapon, whose posts you'll find intertwined with ours in the story occasionally.  We would also like to thank artists out there who make some pretty sweet art and put it out there for others to see and share.  (Note:  We did not create much of the visuals you see on this site.  Most of them are the work of others and is readily available on the 'net.  If you see something that is yours or someone you know... feel free to contact us.  We meant no disrespect if this happened and you didn't intend for it to.)

We'd like to thank our loving wives and families, who have put up with way too many comments or discussions about Star Wars, and have allowed us to do this in some of our free time.

We'd like to thank YOU for reading our work, or at least giving it a chance... can't say we wouldn't have done at least some of this if we'd never had a single reader... but it certainly wouldn't have meant as much if we didn't.

Finally... last but not least... a giant thank you goes out to George Lucas for creating such a wonderful universe for all of us to play in.

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