February 08, 2009

261. Anchorhead - Trychon

The four of them met up outside Trychon's shuttle, as it was the last to arrive. They all seemed to be in good spirits, albeit tired with maybe the exception of Raezyr, who looked as though he'd gotten in some good meditation time. Trychon was still favoring his side quite a bit... but he'd done everything he could for it. A medic could've done a better job, but at this point all one would be able to do is maybe cut several days off of the pain recovery. He was functional enough.

"How are you feeling?" Anya asked Trychon as he came down the ramp.

"I'm fine." He answered with impatience.

"Doubtful. Let me see your bandages." She responded just as shortly, and walked forward to pull up his shirt. Trychon was about to stop her when Raezyr caught his eye and Trychon remembered the last time Anya inquired about injuries. She checked under the bandages wrapped around Trychon's torso, and while she fretted, she seemed placated as well.

"Why here, Trych?" Tyrrazapon asked while Anya wrapped Trychon back up. "Why not head out to Hoth, so we can get settled?"

"I want my ship back." Trychon smiled. "If I'm gonna be the only one flying a dump, can't fight for anything, bantha walking ship... I want some hidden muscle. I pulled up my trace on the Twilight Stalker. She's here. Time to free her and set her on her ways."

"She's here? You know which bay?" Raezyr stepped closer.

"She's actually out on a run, it would seem... but the trace showed movement to and from here quite a bit, and should be due back in a day or so. I have the program keeping a tally. Not really necessary... but knowledge can be power too... so why not, I figured." He responded.

Anya got up and dusted herself off. "So what now then? Go get supplies? We're running low on Kolto patches among other things, not surprisingly."

Trychon gave a half grin half wince. "That's not really our first priority at the moment."

"It's not?" She responded.

"Ale time." Tyrrazapon said, turning around and walking for the Cantina he'd spotted early on.

"Seriously?" Anya looked at Raezyr, and then Trychon.

Trychon looked at her and exaggerated the grimace. Raezyr patted him on the back. Trychon winced a bit and Raezyr turned to Anya. "Can't you see the man's in pain?"

Trychon started to follow Tyrrazapon's path. "Medicine..."

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