February 21, 2009

285. Hoth: King's Lair - Trychon

Things seemed to ease up a bit after their talk. Anya was still spending a bit of time with Dianna, but she was also hanging out with the other Sith again. She seemed more relaxed and less frustrated with their exercises, despite her continued struggles.

The pirates spent a fair amount of time in small meetings preparing for their upcoming grab. When they weren't in these meetings, they were keeping to themselves but staying respectful to their guests. Occasionally there would be an odd look sent their way, but it disappeared quickly enough.

Eventually, the time came when Dianna sent her crew off. After that, the base was nearly empty. She spent more time with the Sith, and even talked a bit about her business dealings while still keeping most of the real details a secret. In general, she seemed to have become pretty comfortable with the four of them and their presence there. The initial questions from their arrival weren't brought up again.

Dianna was sipping some caf and reading some of her own notes while watching Raezyr hold off Trychon and Anya yet again, when her comm beeped. She talked into it quietly and then left the room in a hurry.

Raezyr turned and watched her leave, confused. Trychon took a swing at his neck, but Raezyr's blade was already there.

"Come on. Let's settle down for a second and see what's up." Anya said, shutting her saber down. Tyrrazapon was the first to follow her out the door.

They waited several minutes outside her office. Eventually, she stepped out with a bit of a pained look on her face.

She grimaced and looked at them collectively. "I uh... need to borrow your ship."

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