February 08, 2009

271. Anchorhead - Trychon

They found a small restaurant and had a quick breakfast. They spent most of their time listening to Tyrrazapon tell them more of what to expect from their icy destination.

"I'm really not going to like this place." Trychon said.

"You're telling me... At least you don't have to worry about your face freezing to your mask." Raezyr mused.

"Hey... at least we get to pick out new... uh... gear." Anya offered. In response to the looks she was getting she continued. "Hey... I don't like wearing heavy clothing any more than the rest of you... I just think we should stay optimistic. This sounds like the perfect place to lay low for a few weeks."

"Well, I've been meaning to switch to black clothes and put away my camo for a while now, I guess." Trychon sighed.

"That's more like it!" Anya smiled at him. "Now... who's going to come with me to do the basic supply shopping? There's not really much else we need to do before tonight, is there?"

"Actually... there's not." Trychon shrugged. "At least not that I can think of. There is however a small issue I'd like to work with Tyr on. I think he may be able to help me find something that will help us out long term. We'll have our comms on if you need anything."

Trychon and Tyrrazapon walked off... not headed to anywhere in particular... but clearly discussing something.

Anya turned to Raezyr and smiled. "I guess it's up to us to go shopping then! It'll be fun!"

1 comment:

  1. "Well, I've been meaning to switch to black clothes and put away my camo for a while now, I guess." Trychon sighed.

    WTF??? lol
