February 21, 2009

289. Pirates....... YAR! - Trychon

Raezyr, Trychon and Dianna Kingsdoom watched as the dancing lights of hyperspace flicked by. Idle conversation was their company and pastime.

"I've been in and out of this system countless times." Dianna leaned back and yawned. "Just like this time, I'm usually on a job when I do. Ninety five percent of the time, you can come and go here and not have any problems. It's just that five that I'm worried about. I'm sure things will go smoothly. Always have with this customer. I'm not sure what went wrong with their original plans that made them call on me so urgently... but that matters very little. In the end, I'll simply have to remind them that they should've used me from the get-go. I guess long story short is that I don't mind heading out here when the price is right."

Trychon leaned forward to be a bit closer to both Dianna and Raezyr. "And thar be our treasure..."

Raezyr turned away a little bit to hide his snickering a little better.

Dianna turned and looked at him. She was caught off guard slightly, and maybe even a bit amused. She'd never admit that to him though. "I can't believe you just said that."

Trychon gave her his best innocent look.

She crossed her arms. "You know... when all is said and done... I've pretty much been a pirate all my life. I don't mind the label, I've come to terms with it... it's not demeaning... it's fine. However. I have never in my life met anyone who actually talked like that. Ever. I've even met a few pirates with head injuries. I have no idea where that stupid stereotype even comes from. I never thought I'd be saying this to a Sith... but you've watched way too many holos."

Trychon leaned back in his seat and folded his hands behind his head. "Don't knock it... there's not much other entertainment to be found when you grow up on your own in a jungle forest. Even if you go into town once a month, you're lucky if they've got any new ones... and even if they do, you have plenty of time to watch the ones you already have seen way too often."

Raezyr turned back towards the others. "You know, that actually explains a lot."

Dianna looked surprised. "Wow. I honestly say I had no idea. I always figured you grew up in some sort of academy, with very little outside influence until later in life. Books and combat training and the sort."

Trychon mocked her surprise and shook his head. "That's a dirty stereotype."

Raezyr chimed in. "He's got you there..."

Dianna smiled. "Fair enough. So how long were you on that planet? How long have you been away?"

Trychon looked at Raezyr pensively. "Uh... I guess we've been running around together for what... 2 standard months now? So up until then."

Now Dianna was really shocked. "Are you serious?"

Raezyr and Trychon responded at the same time.

"No, he isn't."


Dianna turned back to the front of the ship. "You're too much." Raezyr swung his chair so he was facing Dianna a bit, but also pointed mainly forward. He knew that Trychon would take it as a small jab, and that was part of the point. "You know... going back to your earlier point, I've had a similar experience. I've been into Mandalorian territory a bit here and there, when circumstances dictated it... but never really went that direction otherwise. I think Master preferred to stay close to the core whenever possible. While I don't really share that preference either way... I still haven't found much reason to venture out this way as much."

Dianna nodded. "I know exactly what you mean."

Trychon leaned in a bit again. "Hey... I have a story about Mando space too..."

Dianna raised her eyebrow. "Really?"

"Oh yeah. So there's this Mandalorian planet... with lots of Mandalorians and then of course you also have your other assortment of populace too. Now there's this one particular Mandalorian who ran a cantina. Naturally, most of his clientele was also Mandalorian. That wasn't the rule though of course. He had a wide base of customers overall, I'd guess. Anyway... one day this guy walks in... he's not a Mandalorian... and he walks right up to the bar near where the owner was cleaning some glasses. The owner turns and looks at this guy, and he's dressed like a pirate."

Raezyr turned away a little again, wary of what might be coming.

"So the owner looks at this guy and he sees that there's a steering yoke coming straight out of this guys pants! So he says to the guy 'Why is there a steering yoke coming out of your pants?' And the pirate looking guy looks him dead in the eye and he says... 'Yar... it be driving me nuts.'" Trychon finished with a huge grin.

"Unbelievable." Dianna sighed as rested her head on her hand. She turned back to the controls and readouts before unfastening herself and standing up. "Everything looks to be in order. We don't really have to stay cooped up front here like this forever. This trips just long enough that it's worth unpacking just a bit."

Raezyr and Trychon followed her lead.

Trychon stretched his arms up over his head and sighed as he did so... "Yar..."

Dianna actually laughed. "Oh my God. You seriously are going to keep doing that, aren't you?"

Trychon looked her in the eyes. "Yar?..."

Dianna started to walk away, but then turned back to him again. "Is there anything I can do to make you stop?"

He turned to look at Raezyr and then looked to Dianna again and paused. Finally, he responded. "Nar?..."

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