February 08, 2009

265. Anchorhead - Raezyr

The droid brought Raezyr's next ale and he took a long pull from the tankard before setting it down on the table and cupping it with both of his hands.

"The less attention we bring to ourselves right now the better. And I've got an idea that might keep any occupants from screwing with the ship: Just shut down the life support systems once the ship reaches space. Then open the airlocks. Anyone who survives that combination will be thinking about things other than where the ship is going," Raezyr said and took another long pull from his mug. It was already half empty.

He looked down into the glass for a moment. "Man, the more of these I have, the easier they go down," he commented and ordered another round for the table before continuing. "In the end, it's your ship, Trych. We'll follow your lead."

Tyrrazapon and Anya both nodded in agreement.

"Well, I'll think about it some more and decide later. We've got time before it returns," Trychon mused. He peered down into his still empty tankard, "Where is that damn robot with our drinks? It's not THAT busy in here."

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