February 12, 2009

274. Hoth: King's Lair - Raezyr

The five ships dropped out of hyperspace on the edges of the Hoth system. They navigated around the asteroid belt and took up parallel orbits around the white pearl that was the ice planet.

Raezyr was the first to break the radio silence. "I'm not picking anything up down there other than a few scattered life form readings. Nothing to indicate a base. Are you sure they're still here?"

"There's always a chance they've moved on, and if so, then maybe the base might still be usable, but the last time I was here, we didn't pick up anything. I think the cave they're in has some natural sheilding. Let me get on the comm and see if I can raise them," Tyrrazapon said. "I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to come in unannounced."

He fiddled with the comm console for a moment before locating the private channel. "Nefarion Wraith to King's Lair, come in please." He waited for several moments and retransmitted.

He was about to try a third time when his comm crackled to life and a mans voice came across his speakers, "This is a private channel. Please clear the airwaves."

Recognizing the code, Tyrrazapon responded, "King's Lair, this is the Nefarion Wraith. I apologize, but I just hit a true pazaak, and had to share it with someone."

"Wraith, this is King's Lair. Who ARE you?" the man asked, clearly puzzled.

"Tell Captian Kingsdoom that this is Tyr. I don't know if he'll remember me, but if you let the first mate know, she'll recognize me," Tyrrazapon said.

"Standby," came the reply.

"What the hell?" Trychon asked, after nearly 20 minutes had gone by.

"I don't like this," Anya said, throwing in her two creds.

"Calm down guys, they haven't launched any fighters, so that's a good sign," Tyrrazapon said, trying to reassure them.


  1. (Said, just in case you didn't pick up on it, in my best Wayne voice...)
