February 21, 2009

290. Pirates....... YAR! - Raezyr

Raezyr just shook his head and ducked into his cabin. He closed the door and laughed as quietly as he could. Trychon was usually a jokester, but he had really hammed it up that time. Still, it was good to have him around. It kept Raezyr from being so damn serious all the time. He also suspected that he kept Trychon from getting too carried away at times, although he was plenty serious when seriousness was called for.

After getting things squared away in the cabin, he changed into a set of tan work fatigues, one of the outfits that Anya had talked him into purchasing, and headed back to the cargo area. There were two small swoops parked in there along with a speeder. Both of which had come with the ship.

He wasn't worried about Dianna seeing his face. She had been present when one of his practice duels with Trychon had turned into a wrestling match and his helmet had come off, so she had already seen the mark of his cowardice. She hadn't said anything and he wasn't going to offer anything.

Raezyr spent a while going over the craft, making sure they were fueled and ready to go in case they needed them. Everything seemed to be in order. It was apparent that they'd been gone over recently as a few of the filters and some of the wires had been cleaned or replaced. He was betting that Delki had gone the extra mile and checked these as well.

The trip from Hoth to Shogun was nearly three quarters away across the galaxy and would take approximately ten days, according to the navicomputer, and Trychon kept up the pirate jokes nearly the entire time, to the chagrin of Dianna. He would have gotten tired of them himself, but Dianna's exasperation made it worth the while. Raezyr had even found the opportunity throw in a few 'yars' of his own. Toward the end of the trip, though, even Dianna had gotten past it and begun to see the humor.

The rest of the time, Raezyr and Trychon continued their meditation and weapons practice. Dianna even took part a bit with her vibrosword, and proved to be a decent swordswomen despite not having the advantage of using the Force.

Before long the Rancor's indicator notified them that they were approaching Shogun space and they took their up their positions in the cockpit.

Shogun was uninhabitable for the most part, and the only presence on the planet was a Mandalorian crystal processing plant. Apparently their arrival was expected as they were given immediate clearance to land at the plant's docking bays.

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