January 21, 2010

559. Black Phoenix - Raezyr

Wind whipped past them, tearing at their clothes as the shuttle picked up speed. The cyborg had made all the way in the ship, Raezyr could sense that much, but he also couldn't rely on here. He sensed there was something wrong with her, sensed a jumble of emotions. Strong emotions, overwhelming, confusing. Before it had been hard to tell if there was any emotions at all, and those that he had sensed barely fluctuated at all.

Whatever the cause, she was useless right now. He focused all his energy and strength on hauling his brother up onto the loading ramp. It was difficult as the shuttle juked and turned, attempting to avoid the incoming blaster fire from the attacking snub fighter. If only he could get a moment of level flying, he'd be able to pull Trychon to safety, but as it was, all he could do was hold on and watch his older half-brother dangle thousands of meters above the empty desert planet surface.

Suddenly, flight path leveled out and using the Force to aid his already formidable strength, he drug the other Sith on board and closed the landing ramp.

The shuttle hadn't been made for hauling passengers, but for hauling cargo. Raezyr left Trychon to attend Haley and made his way to the cramped cockpit. "Status? What happened to that fighter?"

"It just disappeared from our scope, my lord," the pilot stated. "As you can see, we've picked up an escort though. We assume they took care of it. We'll find out for sure once we get out of this short range communications jamming area."

Raezyr glanced out either side of the cockpit windows, noticing a fighter on either side bearing the Black Phoenix emblem. "You sure they're ours?"

"Yes sir," the co-pilot informed the Sith. "That looks like Tack's fighter, and there's no mistaking Rahnaah's ship," he continued, indicating the respective fighters on either side. "Rahnaah's the best fighter pilot we have. We're lucky to have her."

The Sith just nodded his acknowledgment. "What is our ETA out of the jamming area?"

"Approximately 2 minutes, my lord."

"Excellent. When we reach that range, verify our escort is who you think it is and then let's get back to base ASAP."

"As ordered, sir."

Raezyr turned and left the pilots to do their thing. Trust wasn't something he was extending freely right now, but these men could have taken the opportunity to rid the Phoenix of the Sith just moments ago, and hadn't done it. He figured he could trust them a bit longer.

The younger warrior entered the cargo area. Trychon had found some emergency blankets and supplies and was tucking one around the sleeping figure of the cyborg.

"What happened to her?" Raezyr asked. He could sense Trychon was more concerned for her than himself and assumed his brother would be alright.

"Her battery backups failed and all of her non-essential implants shut down. Apparently she was injured while we were trying to get away. She would have been fine if we had gotten back to base in time, but between my damaged swoop, and the stand storm, well, you can see what happened," Trychon explained.

"So that explains why she was cowering like a little girl up here instead of helping out," Raezyr said irritably. He slid down the bulkhead and sat on the floor next to his brother, resting his arms on his knees.

"Lay off her, Raez. You don't know what she's had to go through in life," Trychon chided him.

"Whatever, Trych. She's just a cyborg," he commented, confused a bit by his brother's remark.

Trychon got up to his feet and looked down at his younger brother in disgust. "You really can be an asshole, you know that?"

The older Sith walked across the cargo hold to the door and Raezyr got up and followed. "What? What did I say?"

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