June 01, 2011

682. Earning Their Title - Raezyr

"Being sorry for one's actions doesn't negate the consequences," Raezyr was saying as he and his brother sat down in the galley slash dining area on board the Twilight Stalker. They had left Meisos a few days ago and both brothers had spent some time under bacta therapy to give their bodies a boost in the healing process. They'd most likely have to spend some more time in the tanks, and Raezyr would need surgery to replace his destroyed knee joint, but at the moment, neither sibling felt like sitting around in the cramped tank in the med-bay.

"Oh, I completely agree," Trychon responded. "If we were to land on Coruscant right now and apologize for that incident last year (although it wasn't our fault to begin with), we'd still be arrested and sent to prison no matter how sorry we were." He reached over into the miniature refrigerator next to their table and pulled out two ales, handing one to his brother.

"It doesn't matter how sorry you are afterward. If you jump off a cliff, you'll still hit the bottom," Raezyr agreed.

Both Sith sat in silence for several moments, reflecting on their stay on Meisos. Finally Trychon cracked open his brew. "This is for Schyrt and Reed," he said.

"I'll drink to that," replied the younger sibling, and both down long pulls from their respective containers. They began reminiscing about their two assistants, and quickly realized that despite the amount of time they had spent with the two men, they really knew very little about them. They quickly grew silent again, not sure of what else to say.

Finally Raezyr interrupted the awkwardness. "Non sequitur here, but bringing up the incident on Coruscant reminded me of something: Do you realize that this is the first time you and I have wreaked this much havoc in one place since then?"

Trychon chuckled. "And this time we didn't need some elusive 'Master' to tell us to do it."

They discussed Lord Eiron for a few minutes, deciding what to do about the crystal they had acquired. As far as they could tell, their 'Master' hadn't left any instructions on what to do with it. In the end they decided two things: 1. They'd keep the crystal safe for now, and decide what to do if and when Eiron ever contacted them again, and 2. Having faced and defeated a pure blooded Sith Lord, they were pretty sure that not did they not need a master anymore, but that they had finally earned the right to use the traditional Sith title of "Darth," if they so chose.

"Darth Raezyr has a nice ring to it," Trychon noted grinning as he opened another ale.

"As does Darth Trychon," the younger sibling noted, catching the ale that was tossed his way. "And I know I've used the title in the past, but it always felt fake somehow. Hollow."

"You know... the title I want to hear next to my name is 'Lord.' Lord Trychon sounds nice, if you ask me," he said, his usual smile on his face.

"Don't get too big of a head, Trych, or someone will be likely to try and knock it off your shoulders," Raezyr warned as he reached across the table, taking a playful swipe at Trychon's head, which was easily blocked.

"Watch it, or you're likely to lose a hand," Trychon chuckled.

"That's alright, I'll just have them replace it at the same time they replace my leg," Raezyr said smugly.

"Speaking of," the older brother began. "Are you wanting to stay on Den Var long enough to get that done now? Or are you planning on taking care of that later?"

Raezyr noticed his brother's disapproving look at the second question and chuckled. After what happened last time he let his pride get in the way and ignored the injury, he couldn't blame Trychon. Of course, the difference this time was that he couldn't hardly stand on it without some sort of external assistance and walking was completely out of the question. Sure, he could wrap it and brace it, but that made him just that much less mobile. As much as he hated the thought of cybernetic parts in his body, he didn't see much choice.

"Yeah, I'll get it done there. We need to pick up Aitchkay and check on our interests there," Raezyr concluded. "And we might as well see about hiring some more assistants. Not that they'd ever be able to adequately replace Schyrt and Reed. Those guys had some unique abilities."

"Indeed," Trychon said.

Over the next several days the Sith Warriors spent more time under bacta therapy as well as studying their holocrons and Sith tomes, until they finally reached their destination. Getting clearance to land a ship the size of the Stalker on Den Var was next to impossible without needing repairs, and since it used massive amounts of fuel anyway, they hired a shuttle to come and pick them up, leaving the big capital ship in orbit around the planet.

Before the shuttle arrived, they made sure to inform the Farrian Arms that the hired ship would be dropping them off in the private shuttle bay near the top of the building to ensure they'd already be cleared to land.

An hour later, after getting the report of success regarding Aitchkay's mission, Raezyr flopped down on the big, luxurious bed in his room. He was nearly asleep when his com buzzed. "Yeah?" he said, answering it sleepily.

"I made the appointment for your knee," Trychon's voice said. "Mr. Raez Vandelay's appointment is in two hours."

Silence answered him.


"I had forgotten about those stupid names," Raezyr answered finally. "I hate you, Trych... I really do."

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