September 19, 2011

729. Hoth: King's Lair - Trychon

Trychon stood outside the ship for just a few more moments shielding himself as much as he could from the stinging weather.

Eventually, the Wampa who'd been playing with him landed, and its confusion and life force extinguished.  Trychon had tried to push him or lift him out of the way so he could escape the bunker, but the monster had dug its claws in and refused to let go until he was out of time and had to give it a gigantic push upwards.  Shame, he thought... it would have made such a nice pet...

Glancing down at his chrono, he became concerned.  He took a few steps towards the crater he'd recently created and more recently emerged out of.  His walk was interrupted by a gout of flame from the hole there, and Trychon jogged back to the Jet Razor, intent on turning the internal heater on full once inside.


Here it was in front of him... the living embodiment of his hate. For a long time now, he had known he'd face her again, and he had looked forward to it like a young Wookie looked forward to Life Day.  He had remembered the fear and smoldering anger she had shown back so long ago on Coruscant as he had stood above her and he had relished the thought of drinking in that energy again.

Instead, this infernal Jedi chose to remain calm. It was almost as if she had known that the time of her death was upon her and that it was she whom had chosen it willingly, rather than Darth Raezyr who decided whether she would live or die.

It infuriated him that she should deny him that which he had hungered for for so long. He felt like a man dying of dehydration, only to be denied the liquid which would slake his thirst by some inferior being. He let the rage take control and the Dark Side raged through his body like fire through a dry summer forest.

Raezyr grabbed her by the head-tails and hoisted her to her feet like a tooka doll. Again he slammed his fist into her midsection, letting the Force augment his already great strength and the Nautolan flew backwards, landing in the snow.

He could feel her feeble attempts to use the Force to cushion the blows he rained down upon her, and they were the sole reason she was even conscious, let alone alive. Somewhere underneath the rage he respected her courage, as a lesser being would not have survived.

The Sith trudged through the snow, and grabbed the Jedi by the flight suit, lifting her up once again. Her head lolled to the side, barely clinging to consciousness and blood trickled from her mouth, freezing as it dripped onto her clothes. Raezyr looked into her eyes. "If you will not give me satisfaction, then you are of no further use to me. Do me a favor: Come back and tell me what awaits a Jedi after death."

Nal Talla picked her head up and returned his gaze with calmness and determination. "Dere is no death, dere is da Force," she said, reciting the line from the Jedi Code.

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