July 25, 2012

787. Raezyr and the Bored Room - Raezyr

The Jet Razor settled into it's berth in the crowded Nar Shaddaa space port. It had been a few years since the ship and it's pilot had blasted it's way free and escaped into hyperspace, and as the Sith Warrior expected, they had long ago forgotten about a single incident. Not that they would be able to tie this ship to it anyway, at least not by transponder. Trychon had long ago altered the transponder frequency. He'd done it many times, in fact. Still, the ship was the same one and it was unique enough that if they cared compared hull silhouettes, they'd probably find a correlating match.  But as he suspected, they didn't bother. Too many ships in and out of the system and even the Hutts themselves didn't want their own people digging too deeply into the identity of ships. It's one of the reasons that Nar Shaddaa carried the nickname of "Smuggler's Moon."

Raezyr slipped his helm over his head, checked to make sure the rest of his midnight blue armor was in place and activated the loading ramp. He began to descend before it touched the ground, his boots clicking on the durasteel plating. Once on the ground, he walked around to where the cargo bay doors were opening and the gun metal gray droid designated as HK-51 was unloading a small, unremarkable open air speeder. Raezyr climbed into the pilot's seat as the the ramp closed and locked behind them.

A Klatooinian male dressed in a spaceport authority uniform walked over to the speeder holding a datapad out. "Need your berthing and refueling fee. Sign here," he said, indicating a spot on the screen.

Raezyr waved his gauntleted hand in a careless gesture. "You don't need to collect a fee from me."
A glazed look passed over the official's face. "I don't need to collect a fee from you," he repeated almost absently.

"I'm not going to be here long enough to refuel anyway."

"You're not going to be here long enough to refuel anyway."

"You have other business to attend to now."

"I have other business to attend to now."

The Klatooinian turned to his data pad and began going over docking and departures schedules as he wandered toward another berth, the being with the dark blue helm already forgotten amongst his other duties.

Raezyr started the speeder's engine and eased away from the landing bay with Aitchkay sitting in seat next to him. He didn't like to over use Force persuasion techniques as they didn't always work in the first place and they rarely worked a second time on the same being. Usually it dawned on them that some sort of trickery was happening. Besides, it wasn't really his specialty. His brother Trychon was much better at it then he was. Still, he was attempting to be less than obvious on this mission.

Once he was clear of the spaceport, he picked up speed and joined the chaos of traffic on the city moon. On Coruscant, the traffic was orderly and organized. Here, everyone did pretty much as they pleased, and Raezyr did the same. He tapped into the city's public information network, looked up the coordinates for the Dubach Banquet Hall and made straight for it as best he could.

"Statement: Master, the probability of you finding the information for which you are searching is quite low," Aitchkay stated, his staticky voice crackling as he spoke. Despite HK units secondary function as protocol droids, they really weren't built for talking, and their second rate vocabulators showed it.

"I don't care, Huck," Raezyr replied. "Despite Diana Kingsdoom wiping the memory cores of the Omicron Delta Facility, Trych was still able to reconstruct some of the data. It showed a business transaction between her and someone who sits on the InnoCom Corporation Board of Directors. I don't know when that exchange took place, but it's the best lead I've had since the last time I saw her. I have to follow it."

At first, when he had gotten the information, it had seemed useless. He had no way of knowing exactly who on the Board of Directors had been in contact with Di and tracking them all down one by one had seemed folly. If, after visiting the first couple board members he wasn't successful, surely security would be increased on the rest of them, and walking in on them in board meeting in broad daylight seemed like it would logically end in disaster as well, with every security person in the sector probably being called.

Raezyr had been about to give up on the idea as useless when he got lucky. Trychon had sliced into the InnoCom Corp networks to poke around for more information when he came upon a memo regarding an end of the business year banquet. He wasn't naive enough to think that there'd be no security at the banquet. The difference was that it was at night and in a location where there wasn't going to be an entire corporate building filled with security to get passed. At most, he suspected a few body guards. That was something he could handle discreetly enough.

The Sith warrior landed the speeder about a block from the Dubach Banquet Hall, and after grabbing a small pack, he and the droid approached on foot. As suspected, there were several private events all being catered on the same evening, and guests of all shapes and sizes and manners of dress were entering and exiting the building.

They observed the activity from the nearby alleyway for a few minutes and finally Raezyr pulled a black cloak from the pack with ornate trim. He slung it over his shoulders and pulled up the hood, hoping his entry would be less suspicious than necessary.

"Huck, do you still have that slicer program Trych gave you?" Raezyr asked.

"Response: Of course, Master. After all, I am a droid. The program is downloaded into my memory banks. It is not like I can misplace it," the droid responded. If the Sith didn't know better, it almost sounded as if  Huck's feelings were hurt.

"Good. Go first and secure the entry."

A moment later the gray HK-51 was walking through the front entryway. Immediately he was greeted by a protocol droid of some unfamiliar make. "Good evening. Might I be of some service to you?"

HK extended a limb forward. In his hand was a device which suddenly emitted an ion burst. Electrical waves wrapped around the droid in crackling blue waves for a moment before all it's systems shut down and it collapsed to the floor. Kneeling beside it, the assasin droid placed a small patch on it's metal hull. He stood up and gave the all-clear signal to the cloaked figure waiting just outside.

As Raezyr swept in he looked at the droid on the floor. The patch was sizzling as it released the acid inside. He watched for just a moment to make sure it was going to eat through the data banks of the protocol droid, ensuring there was no record of their entry, before continuing on past.

The banquet hall was a big building with several events all taking place at the same time, but he already knew which room he was looking for. The two took a small hallway off the main corridor and it lead them to a more private place where the InnoCom executives would be celebrating.

As they rounded a corner, they saw two armed security guards standing by the only door at the end of the hallway. They began to tense as the black cloaked figure drew near.

One of the guards held up his hand, palm out, intending for the stranger to stop. "This is a private party sir-" he began to say.

Raezyr made a slight gesture with his right hand and instantly both guards dropped to their knees, pulling at their collars as they struggled to breath. He stood there watching them writhe on the floor, faces turning first red, then blue as the oxygen in their system was slowly used up. At the last second, one of the men tried to reach for the weapon at his side, but Raezyr stepped on his hand, hearing he bones crunch under his boots.

The Sith just shook his head in disgust. He was hoping this might be at least a challenge, but if this was to be the most resistance he was going to get, it would be a dull mission, indeed. Hopefully he'd be able to learn something of Dianna's whereabouts and the night wouldn't be a complete waste.

He turned to the droid. "Plug in out here, Huck. Jam all communications both into and out of this room, and when I'm done, wipe out the data banks and erase all electronic evidence of our presence."

"Acknowledgement: Yes, Master."

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