February 02, 2010

562. Black Phoenix - Raezyr

"Do you understand everything we just outlined for you?" Trychon asked Falka.

"Yes my lord," the Khommite responded.

Trychon took the last sip of his chritonge juice and set the cup down next to his empty plate. He had eaten his breakfast there in the War Room while he gave detailed instructions to the Black Phoenix Captain on exactly what role they would play in the overall plan. He was careful to explain only their part and nothing more.

Having finished his own breakfast in his quarters, Raezyr sat silently nearby. Neither Falka nor anyone else in the Black Phoenix had ever seen him without his helmet on, and he didn't see any reason to change that now.

The younger Sith still wasn't sure about this plan Trychon had come up with. He still thought it was betrayal of someone who trusted them, but his older brother insisted that in the end, everyone benefited from it, and that was what really mattered. Even though he had misgivings, he couldn't argue the logic, and the fact that in the end, everyone really would benefit.

Raezyr was pulled back to the present by prompting from Trychon. "There was one last matter we wished to speak with you about, Captain. Lord Raezyr?"

"Yes," the helmed Sith began. "You currently have two men in your employ: Schyrt and Reed. What can you tell us of them, Captain?"

"Not much, my lord," the alien replied. "They hired on together under... the former leader of this group, and have been very reliable. They are competent at just about any task set before them, but they aren't original thinkers. They've always done exactly what they're told. Followed orders to the letter, but they have a hard time thinking for themselves." Falka thought for a moment then added, "They're great soldiers, but their not the type to ever give orders."

"Have you ever had reason to doubt their loyalty?" Raezyr asked.

"Not once. They've seemed perfectly happy to serve whomever was in charge."

"Excellent. Call them in here, then hand me your blaster, Captain," Raezyr ordered.

The two humans arrived within moments and stood at attention at the far end of the room. Raezyr walked across the room and handed Falka's blaster butt forward to Schyrt.

"My lord?" Schyrt asked questioningly, looking down at the weapon in his hand and then back to the big Sith standing in front of him.

"Shoot Reed," Raezyr ordered.

"As you wish," Schyrt replied and without hesitation, pointed the blaster at Reed and pulled the trigger.

Reed flinched, then relaxed when nothing happened.

Schyrt pulled the trigger several more times in rapid succession, each time with the same result. Finally he looked at the pistol. Realizing the energy pack was missing, he pulled a spare from his own belt. After loading it, he raised it to point it at Reed again.

"NO!!" Trychon yelled, leaping to his feet.

Raezyr reacted on impulse, striking Schyrt across the jaw with his gauntleted fist, knocking the man out cold and sending his shot into the ceiling.

Reed flinched again, but through it all, never moved.

Raezyr picked up the blaster from where it had fallen and tossed it back to Falka, along with the energy pack he had unloaded before the two men had arrived. He then walked back to his chair. "Why did you not move when he tried to shoot you?"

"My lord?" Reed asked as if the question made no sense.

"When Schyrt tried to kill you, why did you not try to move or defend yourself? Raezyr clarified.

"Um... my lord... didn't you order him to kill me?"

"That is correct."

"Then if I tried to stop him, or move, then wouldn't I have been disobeying your orders?"

"Thank you, Reed. Please assist Schyrt to the med bay," Raezyr said, ignoring the question.

"By your command, my lord."

Falka and the two Sith watched as Reed helped the groggy man to his feet and escort him out of the room. When they had gone, Trychon turned to the Black Phoenix Captain. "I assume my swoop was retrieved from the canyon and repaired, Captain?"

"It was."

"Good. Have both of our swoops loaded onto the shuttle. When that is done, have those two men gather their things and load up as well. We'll be taking them with us when we leave here shortly."

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