April 01, 2010

586. The Heist - Raezyr

The four Sith stood outside the apartment complex. It looked like it was occupied by mostly lower-middle class families, making it one of the nicer buildings in the area.

"You guys don't need to come with me," Anya said, pausing just outside the door to the tenement.

"Good, I need a drink," Trychon said quickly and hustled across the street holding his helmet with one hand to keep it from jostling around. Raezyr shook his head at his older brother.

"I better go with him. If he takes that off, or if it falls off, we may be in for a hasty retreat," the big man said and after pausing for a speeder, took off after his brother.

Tyr watched as the two disappeared into a run down tapcaf before turning back to Anya. Once he was sure the brothers weren't watching him, he slid his hands around Anya's waist. "You sure you don't want me in there with you?"

The blond Sith looked down for a moment and then into her lover's eyes. The determination that was there needed no explanation.

"Alright then," Tyr said. "You call us on the comm when you're ready to go." He started to lean in for a kiss, but she tried pulled away.

"Not now, Tyr. They might see you."

"I don't care," he said and pulled her to him forcefully.

"I'll call you when I'm done," she said after they had parted, and disappeared into the building she once called home.

Tyr stood watching for a moment, then followed his fellow warriors across the street and into the bar.


Anya stood outside the door to the apartment. A part of her hoped that no one was there, or if they were, it was no one she knew. She swallowed hard and pushed the buzzer, still unsure of what she was going to say, only knowing how this was going to end.

"Who is it?" came a vaguely familiar, feminine voice over the speaker.

"Open the door, Mother," she replied, her voice nearly cracking.

"Anya? Is that you? Oh, my!" The door swooshed open almost instantly, sliding back into the wall.

Anya stepped into the living area of the apartment. It was more worn than she remembered, but other than that it was pretty much the same. A woman in her late forties stepped out from the hallway which led to the sleeping chambers.

At least Anya knew she was about that old. She looked much older than that for some reason.

"Oh, Anya!" her mother exclaimed, rushing forward with her arms out stretched. "I was so worried you were dead!"

Anya let the woman hug her for a moment then pushed her away, taking a few steps back.

"What's wrong, dearheart?" her mother asked, a puzzled and almost hurt look on her face replacing the joyful one.

The Sith couldn't stand it any longer. "What's wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong: How can you act like this after all you did to me?" she asked. "I didn't come back for reunion. We're not going to go on a shopping trip and have 'mother/daughter bonding time,'" she said mockingly.

The look of grief came over her. "I don't understand. Why did you come back then, sweetheart?"

"I returned to pay you back for all thing things you did to me."

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