May 27, 2010

605. The Heist - Trychon

Raezyr grimaced internally as he heard yet another blast ricochet off his shields. He glanced down at his monitor and saw that his shields were holding, if only for a short while longer. The frigate that was bearing down was making a quick pass at them, but was already angling away to protect itself with its shields down. [i]Cowards.[/i] He thought to himself.

"Dengar!" He called back towards the airlock. "How secure is that seal? We need to start making some moves here... I'm sick of being a squatting dewback!"

He didn't get an answer back for nearly a minute and was about to yell again when Dengar sat down next to him. "Alright boss, the seal is set. Nothing short of a direct hit or two will tear us apart before we're ready now."

"Good. Did you set up the electronic link?"

Dengar nodded. "They're working on the systems from over there though... they know what they're doing... it will be a few minutes before they have navigational control up though. Need Atmo first so they can get out of those suits and move around."

Raezyr opened up the customized program Trychon had made for him for this mission. The first button right there in front of him was to tie the main controls of the shuttle to his own controls. "I don't need their computers up and running... I just need to link their engines to fire with ours."

Dengar seemed surprised. "I thought Trychon was the computer guy."

"Yeah, but I know ships." He could have done it without Trychon's program actually... but this was quicker and easier. Also, he would need the program to ensure the shuttle was properly prepared in a few minutes anyway.

Without so much as a warning to the others, Raezyr pulled hard on his steering yoke, sending the two ships on a sharp twisting dive away from the frigate in tandem. After only one minute, they were clear of any major threats. The fighters and freighters were keeping the Republic fighters fairly busy, and Trychon was going toe to toe with the other capitol ship.

It shouldn't be much longer before they were ready to seal the hole and head out on their own, the Sith thought to himself. He briefly considered heading through the makeshift docking seal and speeding things up but thought better of it and simply commed through to get an update.

"Zanz here... we're working on it. They must have initiated some additional security prior to having the hull breach. They must have assumed we were going to board, whether or not they could have foreseen our method. We'll get it... we just don't know how long."

Taking his concentration off of the piloting controls for a moment, Raezyr shook his head, frustrated at thier lack of progress. He had to give it to Trychon though. It was unclear whether the difficulties they'd run into were secretly expected, or if his brother was just extremely thorough in his preparation... but he'd had a plan for this as well. After scrolling through some of the options he'd been given, he found the one he was looking for and hit the button.

The comm came alive again. "Hang on... something's happening." There was a slight pause. "We're in. Checking the systems now."

Raezyr growled when the comm remained silent for another minute. "AND?"

"We're golden. Send Dengar back to help seal up and we'll be good to go in roughly five. Alert the fleet... I'm headed back to meet up with Dengar."

Raezyr waved a hand to dismiss Dengar, and then started the other program his brother had told him he would need to.

Dengar stopped in the doorway. "What was that you just did?"

Raezyr turned, slightly surprised and perturbed at the question as well as the fact that he stopped to ask it. "It was.... Just a program to reset the IFF signal and that sort of thing. Don't worry about it... get your job done!"

The Mandalorian left without another word, but he left behind a distinct impression of disbelief and worry.


Trychon acknowledged the message from his brother stating that the final phase was underway and would be completed within minutes. He held onto his captain's chair as the ship shook yet again. He was getting constant updates on his screen, and his crew seemed to take the cue that he didn't need them filling him in on every detail. They were working out very well for not having run this ship before, and working in unison with relative silence most of the time.

He loved the quiet. It was really allowing him to oversee the entire battle as well as what was happening with his ship. He couldn't keep from grinning as he watched closely, the indicators between his own ship and the Hammerhead it was locked in battle with.

It was cutting it very close. Their shields were at fifty percent and his were down to only thirty, but their shields were dropping more rapidly now. The ability to provide targets for the advanced computers on board and let them handle the precision was paying off, and his opponent was losing gun emplacements. They had already rolled once to bring more guns to bear, and couldn't really afford the maneuver again. They also couldn't do what he was about to do.

A few taps on his pad set a few alarms off on the bridge. Delki spoke up. "We've lost life support systems on ninety percent of the ship!"

"Correction." Trychon calmly pointed out. "I've diverted power to our shields. We aren't using those systems and if we have to sleep on the bridge tonight, so be it."

Either everyone agreed with his logic, or they knew better than to argue against it anyway. Everyone was on the bridge, there really [i]was[i] no reason to keep that and a few other systems running. He'd reduce the shields on the rest of the ship if they weren't protecting his guns as well. This was his last skifter in the deck... and it [i]should[/i] work to tip the end of the battle in his favor.

As he watched the numbers slowly reflect his hopes over the next several minutes, he nearly lost track of time.

"Command to all ships! We have a go! Everything is good, find a vector and get out of here."

Trychon waved all of his crew members to continue on as he just stared at his screen.

"Control 1! You need to come about. You can't win that battle, and the frigate is turning around to help finish you off. We have ships that need to be picked up. If you don't turn around this SECOND, I will kill you myself."

"Well, that wouldn't end well..." He nodded to his crew before hitting the comm button. "As ordered, Command."

He got up from his chair and walked over to the display to watch the Hammerhead that would have looked so good painted on his chair... slip away.

[i]Next time.[/i]

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