December 27, 2010

632. Taking Out the Trash - Trychon and Raezyr

In the massive confusion that unfolded in the next few moments, Dianna dived and rolled to her left, hoping that Mannix had the foresight to do something similar. Visibility in the room had dropped to roughly a meter and the crowds were in complete pandemonium, searching for a way out of the growing maelstrom of blind blaster bolts.

As some of the combatants regained their senses, several shots hit close to where she'd been. She saw two aliens curled up in a ball at her feet, covered in shrapnel. Some of the charges the Sith used must have been fragment grenades. That could have hit any of them. She decided she'd fume at the brothers later.

First things first, she needed a weapon. The original plan had been for Trychon and Raezyr to drop down from one of the vents and toss her a blaster carbine, but when the ductwork and ceiling gave way, the weapon had either gotten left above or lost in the debris.

Smoke choked the room and Dianna could hear the grating noises as Sootoo's platform receded into what was most likely a safe room where she could monitor the melee in relative safety. That couldn't happen. If Sootoo survived then all of this was for naught. She most likely had relatives among bigger and more powerful Hutt's and an attempt on her life would not and could not go unpunished.

Similarly, an up and coming Hutt makes enemies of those she steps on and worries those above her. Once Sootoo was eliminated, relatives would most likely make a show of trying to catch the perpetrators, but most likely wouldn't worry about it too much after a few weeks.

A figure loomed in the smoke in front of her and she launched a fist straight at it's throat. She felt it's windpipe crumple under the blow and she yanked it's blaster from it's hands as it crumpled to the floor.

All around was smoke with flashes of blaster bolts. Every once in a while the glow from a red or blue or green or black light saber would flash into existence, and bolts from around the room would pour toward it's location, but as quickly as it would appear, it would disappear. Raezyr and Trychon weren't stupid enough to give free targets, and it was clear that Mannix was holding his own.

Dianna pushed herself into action, launching herself across the room towards the grating sound of Sootoo retreating to safety. Two more ghostly silhouettes materialized out of the smoke and she bashed one in the face with the butt of her blaster, then spun around and sunk the muzzle into the abdomen of the other and pulled the trigger. The stench of seared flesh filled her nostrils as she ducked under the reach of the first figure who was now holding his face with one hand and groping blindly with the other.

The pirate queen snatched a second weapon from the person she had shot. It was a carbine, as powerful as a rifle, but cut down to be useful indoors. It's what she preferred when going into combat. She could also rely on the commando hand to hand combat training that Zanz had drilled into her head growing up. She quickly put all thoughts of him out of her mind and continued forward.

Two Gamorreans must have spotted her as she made her crouched run. The first swung it's gigantic battle axe and she dove over it head first. She tucked, rolled, and twisted her body, coming up firing at the two big swine-like warriors turning to attack. Her first shot took one in the throat and the second shot took the other in the chest.

She heard a clang behind her and her heart sunk. Dianna was too late. The door to Sootoo's safe room had closed.

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