July 01, 2011

695. Like Womprats in a Cage - Raezyr and Trychon

For the next several days, the big blue Jedi would come for Tyr and escort him to the interview room. Each time they went over the same questions and Tyr gave the same responses.

Val shook his head.  He was naturally frustrated, but he couldn't help but admire the tenacity of the Sith sitting across the table in protecting his fellow Sith.  He tried to avoid thinking of the group of Sith as 'friends' because it flied in the face of his or anyone else's conventional knowledge when it came to the Dark Side of the Force.

Yet as he stared into the eyes of this Sith, Tyr... he could not keep himself from wondering if the phrase actually did apply in this one rare case.  He could feel the dedication flowing from the young human, and the decisive lack of hate.

True, it was to be expected to be met with refusals and defiance when dealing with the Sith, but that was usually due to the hate of the Jedi, or even all beings they deemed inferior.  Loyalty amongst the Sith was manufactured out of a hierarchy of power, and then mutual hate.

Despite his claims to hate the Jedi, Tyr seemed to hold resentment for his childhood, but not direct hate for the Jedi.

Yet they were at the same impasse as they would be otherwise.  Seemingly because this unique Sith had some of the traits that the Jedi themselves exalted.  The irony was not lost on the Chiss.

Still, he felt that they were making imperceptible progress, so he continued on with the same questions worded ever so slightly differently each time, if only to break up the monotony of the process.

"What do you think your fellow Sith were up to while you 'galavanted' around?"

Tyr smiled.  It felt to him as though this had progressed to a game for him and the Chiss Jedi.  The man who had beaten him so simply in lightsaber combat now wanted to beat him in a game of wills or intellect.  He had been answering the same questions for four days now, and he'd answered them the same every time.  Either the Jedi Order was extremely bored, or the Jedi on this planet thought they were making headway with him.

He had lead some pretty intense negotiations for pirate and smuggling groups that absolutely hated each other though, and if they thought they could gain any ground on him by sitting across a table and talking... their voices were going to go hoarse.

Still, he'd been polite for the most part, as they had been respectful to him.  In return, he'd gotten some perks.  It was little stuff so far, the food was starting to get better, and he had water during these sessions.  He made sure the Jedi drank the water first, and he always obliged.

"I told you I didn't know, and that's the truth."  Tyr put his feet up on the table and leaned back casually.  He stared absent-mindedly at his fingernails.  "However, If I did know I would probably say the same."

"So what you know is that they weren't doing what you were, which was leading us on a chase."

Tyr was tempted to roll his eyes, but he decided it wasn't worth the effort or the dramatization.  "Yes, as I've said."

"So we can assume they were on some more important mission, or research for the Sith."  The Chiss knew that the real answer was in there somewhere, an honest truth.  So far, all he'd gotten back was basic answers... but the man in front of him must know that what he suggested was true, even if he did not have any details.

"Well, they weren't doing anything for the Sith, as I've said I have not heard anything from or for our 'Master' since Korriban.  Other than that, you may be right... or for all I know, they've been searching for the lost planet of Magrathea."

"The lost planet of... I'm sorry, I didn't catch that," Val replied, prompting the Sith to repeat the name of the planet.

"Don't panic, Blue," Tyr replied. "I'm pretty sure it doesn't actually exist... not in this galaxy, anyway." Tyr smiled inwardly. For the first time he thought he might have actually caught the big Jedi off-guard, and he liked it.

The Jedi returned his smile outwardly.  "Duly noted."  After a pause he glanced down at his datapad he'd been using to compare notes for the last few sessions.  "Tell me again how you feel now about your... exploits over the past few months."

Tyr sighed.  "Same as yesterday.  I don't regret my actions, but I think I was acting stupidly and under the influence of a spell of sorts.  I think I would do things differently as a whole if I could, but that doesn't mean you'd appreciate my actions more."

He watched as Val typed in a summary of his response.  "Aren't you getting tired of going over all of this every day?  Several hours every day, just seeing if my impressions are changing in a twenty four hour span, or if I'll let something slip I didn't before?  Is it as exhausting for you as it is for me?"

The Chiss backed away from the table.  "Very well... we'll stop here for today."

"Thank the Valley of the Sith." Tyr shook his head as he stood up.

"In fact, I think tomorrow we'll change it up again."  It was Val's turn to smile as he knew he was catching the Sith off guard.


  1. I had forgotten that one. As I wrote that, I knew you'd be the most likely to get it out of my friends/family... but I never imagined you'd actually read it. lol.
