September 27, 2009

525. Academy ruins - Trychon

Trychon stopped back peddling and stood his ground, blocking a few more pointless strikes from the odd 'Sith'. Finally, he gave up and held out his free hand, using the Force to grab the young man by the shoulders and hold his arms still.

Vain's mouth opened, but it took him a moment to actually utter anything. "Hey! What did you do?" He yelled out, clearly not sure how to react.

Trychon released his hold after picking Vain up and moving him several meters away so that he could safely turn off his weapon for a moment. "Calm. Down. I don't want to fight you. I want to show you around a bit, show you the right way to do some of this."

The 'Sith' continued to stare at him with his dumbfounded look firmly plastered on his face. "I don't understand what you want me to do."

Trychon was trying his hardest to keep his temper with the kid, but he was getting ready to reach his limits. "Listen. It's really quite simple. All I'm telling you to do is to stop for a minute and try to understand what you're doing. Just listen to what we have to tell you."

The boy seemed to consider this. "I don't understand what you want me to do."

Trychon sighed, as the 'Sith' boy clearly was right on the point... he didn't understand. "Just stop fighting for a minute." He grabbed the lightsaber he'd taken from him and held it out before tossing it to Raezyr. "Look. See? No more reason to fight. Now will you calm down?"

The 'Sith' boy did not calm down though, as he jumped in a futile attempt to grab his lightsaber. Raezyr calmly snatched it out of the air when it reached him, placing it on his belt as Trychon had. The boy turned towards Raezyr and ran at him, wildly swinging the blade in his hand.

Raezyr blocked the attacks effortlessly with one hand and without giving up any space to his aggressor. He called out to his brother down the hall. "I don't think this is going to go anywhere. Can we finish him off, please? Get it over with?"

Trychon shrugged. "I think we've given him enough time now. I suppose we're ready to move on." He began to close the distance between himself and Raezyr, taking his time as he knew his younger brother had the situation firmly under control.

Raezyr blocked several more of the 'Sith's 'attacks' until finally he got bored and decided to see what the boy was really made of. He carefully struck out with his blade and grazed Vain's shoulder, causing a small puff of smoke as skin and cloth alike were disintegrated by Raezyr's lightsaber. Vain screamed in pain, and backed up to look at his injury, which was barely more than superficial.

Raezyr paused, not pushing the attack. "On my brother's behalf, I'll give you one more chance. You clearly don't belong here and don't know what you're doing. Just leave. It's for the best. Just go."

The dumbfounded look returned to the boy's face, mixed in with his horror and pain. "I don't know what you want from me!" Despite his claim, he didn't seem to have any interest in trying to follow the instructions he had been given time and again, and he attempted to attack Raezyr again.

Trychon rolled his eyes. "I knew he would say that, somehow."


  1. It's worth noting that this stems from a user on the site where we post these... who was infinitely lost. After he'd been gone long enough, we were given clearance to head to Korriban and clean up his mess, as he's probably not going to return. So that's kinda why this plays out the way it does. It's a bit of an inside joke that we'd considered not even posting on this blog... but it was just a lot of fun. I love what Rex did with his posts. Great stuff.

  2. If only if only, the wood pecker sang.
