September 29, 2009

529. Black Phoenix - Raezyr

Falka sat with his First Mate, Tocar in what used to be the War Room in the old Guild Stronghold, before they moved their headquarters to Nar Shaddaa, and then to some large star cruiser type ship.

One of Falka's men had had a contact within the guild, and they had been lucky enough to acquire this location at the price they did. It had still taken a huge chunk of their start up capital, but have a secure location from which to work was essential, and the Khommite knew that.

They were discussing an upcoming job when one of Tocar's men knocked, then entered the room. "Sirs, sensors are detecting two swoops approaching from the south at a high rate of speed."

"Have they attempted any communication?" Tocar asked.

"No sir."

"Then what makes you think they are bound for this location, and not just out sight seeing, or scouting for mineral deposits or moisture farm locations?" Tocar said with a hint of irritation in his voice. Prospectors and farmers were not uncommon, and even occasional tourist wasn't unheard of.

Falka kept looking down at the computer screen which showed the specs for the mission, acting as if he wasn't paying attention. This was Tocar's domain, and if the men were to have confidence in him, Falka must show he did as well.

"Sir, they've been on a straightline course for the last several minutes. They aren't wandering as a sight seer might, and they are moving much too quickly to be taking and sensor readings," the sentry reported.

Tocar sat silently for a moment, reflecting on this new information. "Thank you. You're dismissed."

The man hesitated for a moment as if waiting for some instructions, then he apparently decided to do as he was told and spun on his heel, leaving the War Room.

"Falka?" Tocar said, seeking the Captain's input.

"Go check it out and get rid of the intruders. Two men shouldn't be a problem. People disappear out here in the Jundland Wastes all the time," Falka instructed.


Tocar watched the screens from the sentry room. From here, all the bases ground approaches could be monitored and the defenses activated and controlled. On the screens he watched two individuals in black cloaks racing up a canyon at an impossible speed. Even the locals that had joined them since their arrival several months ago, who had grown up here and knew the canyons like the back of their hands didn't dare to travel that fast in the twisted maze of the Jundland Wastes.

Finally, the swoop bikes stopped a hundred meters from the entrance and dismounted. He squinted at the screen as the figured adjusted their hoods, hoping to get look at their faces, but between the bright sun, and the deep shadows, he couldn't make anything out.

"Send the Gamoreans out to meet them. Have them find out what they want... then kill them," Tocar instructed.

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