October 03, 2009

530. Black Phoenix - Trychon

Tocar and Falka watched on the monitors carefully as the two cloaked figures slowly but deliberately walked towards the main entrance to the Headquarters. They paused several times, as though trying to decide on their approach... or perhaps as though they were waiting for something.

Within just a few minutes, the Gamorreans showed up on the monitor, having come out of a small security door to the side of the main entrance, which only opened from the inside. Tocar made a note to work on their response time, even though he knew they were great for general security work, and not inclined to improve otherwise.

Off to Falka's right, a door slid open and Haley Stargazer walked in.

Falka gestured her to join the other two of the command team in monitoring the situation. "Ah, Ms. Stargazer... your timing is perfect. We have a potential situation."

Tocar jumped in. "Although your response was slower than the Gamorreans, which isn't great... you may want to check your link with your security protocols. I thought you'd worked out all glitches."

Haley walked up to the computer by the display and tapped several controls in rapid succession, giving them a much improved view on the intruders and the guards simultaneously, though the intruders' faces were still hidden. "There were no 'glitches'. I am always finding ways to improve however. I got the alarm when the intruders entered the outside proximity range, before the general security is set to note their occurrence. I was in my room and chose to monitor from there and also monitor the other security protocols in case they needed to be controlled remotely. Once the guards were in place, I sought you out."

Tocar grunted and nodded approval. He tested many of their personnel by prodding at them in such ways. Haley knew she had more than passed his 'test' question.

"Very good, Ms. Stargazer." Falka noted.

They all turned their attention back to the security feed. The two shadowy figured seemed to be talking at the Gamorreans, gesturing at the guard door. The guards turned around back towards the entrance, signaling to open it up. Tocar put his hand over his eyes as the guards inside complied and let them in.

The grisly second in command keyed the comm. "Tocar to front guard. What in the twin noon is going on?!"

The comm was filled with excited grunts. Tocar interrupted them. "What do you mean they MUST be allowed to see the Captain?" After a few more grunts he became even more agitated. "No, that's not for you to decide, let alone let them in for!" He had to resort to interrupting again "Yes, you already said they must see the Captain. That's not really the point..."

He turned to Haley. "Dispatch a full security detail to intercept at the Front Guard Station, and lock down any further access for the time being..."

"I don't think that's necessary or wise at this point, Commander." Falka pointed at the monitor, which Tocar had turned away from in his fury.

On the display, he saw the figures... who had finally removed their hoods. Recognition rang over his expression.


Trychon and Raezyr sat nonchalantly in the conference room they'd led themselves to, and waited for their 'hosts' to join them.

"Well, I'd say that went pretty well!" Trychon joked, to break the silence.

"It was beautiful." Raezyr chuckled a little. They had been in the small meeting room for just a couple of minutes, but they were both growing impatient.

Finally, the command team walked in on them in proper order. Falka went to a spot at the head of the conference table, flanked by Tocar, then Haley. "Welcome." Falka spoke without prompting. "We've been expecting you."

Raezyr acted as though he was looking at an invisible wrist crono. "Really? We've been expecting you, too."

Tocar was still obviously upset about the form of their intrusion, though to his credit he did seem to be trying to control it. "It's a rather large facility..."

"We noticed." Trychon responded in an offhand manner. "I assume it set me back substantially."

Falka nodded. "You would be correct. We did get an unbelievable deal, or it would have been beyond our means entirely. It has limited our ability to purchase some of our other needs for the time being, but as you so wisely pointed out at our last meeting, a strong figurative base for which to build on is key. This non figurative base was one we couldn't pass up on."

Raezyr nodded. "Fine. We'll get into the specifics later. If I had to venture a guess, we won't be taking a share just yet. That will need to be rectified, but take care of your biggest needs first. For now, how is the crew? Other than your guards, that is. We met them."

Falka ignored the verbal jab. "Our crew is our biggest asset. I'd say we have a strong beginning. Very strong."

"And how do you think our return will be received in general?" Trychon added.

Falka thought his response over carefully. "To be blunt, I'm not sure. Some may still hold some resentment over how we got to be here. Others may still have questions about working for Sith."

"I think the word you mean is 'do', not 'may'." Trychon gave Haley a quick glance, wondering if she'd caught her mistake in her guess on the mood of the crew. She did not meet his eyes. "You do not need to hide the truth from us. In fact, I don't recommend it. Your attempt to save our feelings is noted for its intent though. In the meantime... let us go ahead and get back to the specifics. What do you have left, and what is it that you need. Even better... We may be here for a short stay. What can we do to help, briefly?"

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