October 15, 2009

535. Black Phoenix - Raezyr

Raezyr smashed his gauntleted fist down on the door controls as soon as he backed through the small portal, demolishing them in a flash of sparks and smoke and bringing the door crashing down. He stretched out his hand toward the wall above the door, feeling the mechanism with the Force. Suddenly he closed his fist and twisted simulating what the Dark Side was doing to the hydraulic piston which raised and lowered the door.

"There," he said in satisfied tone. "That should keep them from manually opening the door. They'll have to find another way around."

For a moment they looked around them and took in their surroundings. They were standing at an intersection, with long dim hallways stretching out to either side and before them as well. "Which way?" Falka mused aloud, mostly to himself.

"Haley, plug yourself into that terminal by the door and find us some blue prints or schematics or an emergency evacuation plan or something which might tell us where we are or how to get the hell out of here," Raezyr said, pointing toward the computer screen.

"I'm not a droid, thank you, I can't just 'plug in' to the system," she said, rolling her eyes at Raezyr.

Raezyr felt his irritation rising. "Just do whatever it is you do, and find us a way out of here," he said through clenched teeth.

"I'll do it," Trychon volunteered.

"No, we need your fighting skills," Raezyr said, putting a hand on his brothers arm. "I just hope she's as good as you said she was."

Haley gave Raezyr a cool glare and then turned toward the terminal and got to work. "This computer system is ancient. My hardware isn't compatable. I'll have to interface manually," the blond cyborg said calmly.

The other three kept watch down the different hallways. Trychon and Raezyr could sense beings drawing closer. "Hurry Haley," Falka said encouragingly, sensing Raezyr's growing impatience.

"I'm doing my best, Captain," the cyborg replied.

"Here they come!" Trychon called and flicked on his black bladed lightsaber once again, staring down the empty hall to the left. Falka took cover at the intersection and got ready to return fire, while Raezyr stepped into a position to cover Haley as she worked at the terminal. He was impressed as her fingers practically flew across the keyboard and the screens flashed in front of her so quickly he could barely tell what was on them. Still, he wished she'd hurry up. Things weren't going nearly as well as he'd hoped.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry this entry is a bit smaller that I normally post. Really, it's been several days since I had written, and I just needed to get something out to get back in the groove!

