October 04, 2009

531. Black Phoenix - Raezyr

The quarters they were given at the Black Phoenix Headquarters were sparse, but that was fine with them, as they didn't intend to stay but a couple of days. They not only found themselves rooming together, but speaking through the Force more than they were used to as well. Neither of them trusted this crew to not have some sort of listening devices planted in or near the room.

Trychon sat cross-legged on his bunk, eyes closed in a meditative state. The cash flow problem here makes it all the more imperative that our plan goes through, he thought to the other Sith, who was taking up a similar pose on his own bunk on the other side of the room.

I know. I still don't like it, but I don't see any way around it, the younger man replied before changing the subject. What do you think about our role in the meeting tomorrow?

I think it will show that Falka and the Black Phoenix are not to be trifled with, not when they are powerful enough to command two Sith Warriors, Trychon thought back. But we must be cautious. Hutts are known for their treachery and deviousness. I sense there is much potential for a trap, though.

The two Sith continued to discuss the situation for a bit, although their thoughts passed back and forth less frequently as they each sank deeper and deeper into meditation. Each was aware of each other, but each sought out sources of power to draw upon, sources of raw emotion and feelings given off by others and drawn into themselves as they wrested with the new knowledge and techniques they were attempting to learn.

At the appointed time the next morning, they met Falka and Haley in the hangar bay next to the speeder and swoops which had been brought inside for them.

"Let's go over this one more time," Trychon said to Falka. "We don't want to mess this up."

"Very well," Falka said, beginning a review of their mission. "Jama'Rukus Rus'El is a Hutt who has recently been put in charge of the local crime syndicate, known as the Desert Raiders. He isn't the brightest star in the Galaxy, but he makes up for that in sheer meanness, and his Desert Raiders follow that lead. 'Just succeed,' is their motto, and they've done it by any means necessary, back stabbing and double-dealing their way to the top. Even Czerka Arms pays Jama a fee to leave them alone.

"Apparently our small amount of success has already caught Jama's attention, and he contacted us, summoning me and a small retinue to his presence," Falka explained. "I believe that he is going to tell us that our business cannot be conducted without his approval, or he's going to demand a percentage of our profits," Falka concluded.

"Which is unacceptable," Haley interjected. "I will be going along to attempt to slice Jama's computer systems, if I can get the chance, and see what kind of information we can get on Jama's business. Originally Falka was going to take Tocar and two others, but since you are here, we are hoping that if it appears Falka has Sith Warriors who do his bidding, Jama may be bluffed into backing down."

"I like it," Raezyr said, his voice altered just slightly through the helmet's vocabulator.

"Lord Raezyr and I will use our abilities to watch your back, Falka," Trychon assured the Khommite. "Just don't back down from a slimy Hutt. If you give in now, any ground we try to make up later will be just that much harder."

"Understood," the gray-skinned alien replied.

"Let's go then," Trychon ordered, placing a pair of goggles over his eyes and straddling his swoop. He caught himself watching Haley as she climbed into the speeder next to Falka. Her aloof demeanor, and cyborg implants made her seem like a living computer. A sexy, attractive computer.

And computers were one thing in this Galaxy that Trychon knew inside and out.

He tore his gaze away from the blond and looked over at Raezyr, who was sitting astride his own swoop, looking straight at Trychon.

Even with that blue helmet on, he could somehow tell that his younger brother was grinning at him. He shrugged his shoulders and held held his hands out, palms up and mouthed the question, "What?" as if he didn't know what his half-brother was grinning about.

The other Sith just shook his head, and grabbed the throttle. In an instant, Raezyr was gone, slipping through the barely parted blast doors and into the blazing sunlight of Tatooine's twin suns.

A moment later, Trychon's swoop, and Falka and Haley's land speeder followed them out.

Despite the fact he and his team were going up against Jama'Rukus Rus'El the Hutt on the Desert Raiders home turf, Trychon felt it was going to be a good day.

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