December 09, 2009

547. Black Phoenix - Trychon

Trychon and Haley sat near their burning fire for a while in near silence. As the somewhat distant howling of the growing wind got louder, Trychon grabbed some of the wood from the spare pile on the other side of the room and pulled it into the fire without moving from his seat. That garnered a look from Haley that Trychon was already becoming accustomed to. She was hard to read, a steady calm aura in the force that seldom if ever wavered. His best guess for the emotions behind the look was a mixture of curiosity and indifference, if that was possible. He figured for Haley, it probably was.

Haley returned to a distant stare at the fire, watching Trychon's recent additions catch and spread the blaze. Tychon was satisfied with the strength of the fire and the amount of heat, but he quickly bored with observing it. He stood up and walked over to a corner where the light was flickering shadows, earning himself another look from Haley.

As Haley began to ignore him again, he sat with his legs crossed, trying to be grateful for an opportunity to simply meditate on the future, an activity that he thought he didn't use enough. It was too easy to spend meditation time on specific lessons or other more current issues.

He closed his eyes and allowed his consciousness to spread out from within. It was necessary to let go of his present thoughts and concerns before he could allow the echoes of future in the Force into his mind, as they were ever changing and even more elusive.

His thoughts were quick to jump to Haley, the strongest pull in the area. He tried not to be irritated, as he was trying to get his mind off of the present, Haley included. He allowed his thoughts to flow outward into the cave more once again. The cave itself had an interesting feel to it in the Force. A strong shadow, neither light or dark, was throughout the cave, probably a result of the previous inhabitant. There was also a lingering dark feeling, or many of them. After some lingering on these smaller sensations, Trychon felt rather sure that it was left behind by failed attempts to hunt the creature.

Trychon's consciousness smiled at that briefly before he tried to send it out circling around himself. It seemed to go in that direction for him before he found himself looking at Haley again. Seeing her face directly, Trychon tried once again to avoid becoming frustrated, attempting to move his thoughts outward, but he continued to focus in on his companion's expression.

Then, he saw overlapping visions of her calm exterior and her head waivering back and forth in pain.

Trychon rose from his seated position and half-jogged over to where Haley was seated. He turned himself around her body to see her sitting perfectly still, with her eyelids firmly shut. His irritation was about to boil over the internal barrier he'd built for it when suddenly her Force presence shifted. Her ever taut mind began to feel distracted by something foreign.

Haley's brow began to furrow as she started to struggle with an unseen internal issue. Trychon was nearly in awe as he watched her nearly completely lose her composure as she felt true pain for the first time in years. Her internal batteries had failed and her flexdispersal stim unit stopped functioning.

Trychon picked her body up and carried it away to a flat section of the rock floor, setting her down and watching as she began to convulse as her body set into shock.

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