December 16, 2009

548. Black Phoenix - Trychon

Trychon was quite unsure what to do. Haley was laying on the floor in front of him unconscious, with her body twitching. He knew she was probably in no danger immediately... but falling into shock could be a very bad thing, and he wasn't sure what sort of medical resources the Phoenixes had. It was for situations like this that he wished of all the things the Jedi were and the Sith weren't... he wished he had some sort of healing capability.

He looked around, as though he thought maybe they had brought along some medical supplies and he'd merely not noticed until then. He looked back at Haley, realizing how ridiculous that thought was, like looking for one more ale in an empty cabinet after you'd checked it three times already.

Her face was clenching and unclenching in continual pain, and the intensity seemed to be increasing. Not sure if that was a good sign or not, as she was perhaps coming closer to consciousness again, he decided to act as though anything he couldn't tell was positive was likely negative.

Still completely lost for what to do, he closed his eyes and concentrated on taking his own pain away. He tried to stretch out the reach of his technique to surround the quickly maddening aura around Haley. He fought to silence the thoughts in his head about not knowing if this technique did more than cope with pain, or if he was able to affect others either way.

This went on for several minutes, and Trychon could feel the beads of perspiration slowly rolling down his cheeks. He was not uncomfortable in the heat, but he was very unsure of how quickly time passed when he meditated. He knew that the time couldn't be allowed to get away from him.

Then he began to feel Haley's senses wander from mere pain to confusion, and a bit of disorientation. He opened his eyes, while trying to maintain what he could of his meditative state. He saw that Haleys eyes were open, if only to small slits. At the corners of her eyes, there were small pools of moisture forming.

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