February 03, 2010

563. Black Phoenix - Raezyr

The shuttle touched down on a public landing pad at the spaceport in Anchorhead. Once the swoops and gear were unloaded, it took off again, making it's way back to the Black Phoenix Fortress.

"You two stay with the gear while we go find out we go talk to the droid," Trychon told Schyrt and Reed, who bowed their heads silently in acknowledgment of their orders. Just minute before their departure from the Fortress, Aitchkay had sent a transmission saying he needed to speak with them. Seeing as he had been told not to do so unless it was an emergency, they felt the best course of action would be to contact him from the shuttle en route to Anchorhead. Strangely, their transmissions to the Jet Razor had gone unanswered.

The two Sith moved quickly through the crowded spaceport, their black cloaks billowing behind them as they went. As they approached the private bay where they had berthed their ship, HK-51 approached them from where he had been standing.

"Greeting: Hello, masters," the droid began in his mechanical voice. "I attempted to contact you at your location, but they told me you get back to me. Unfortunately, I did not have the luxury to stay with the ship."

"What's going on, Huck?" Trychon asked, pulling the droid off to the side to be a little less conspicuous.

"Explanation: The Spaceport Authority has impounded the ship. Their reason was that you were in violation of Tatooine Spaceport Code 36 dash 9, Section 5, paragraph bee: Importing of unauthorized organic..."

Trychon cut the droid off before he could finish, "It doesn't matter what the reason. We haven't done anything illegal, therefore the charge has to be trumped up."

"I smell a Hutt," Raezyr speculated.

"As do I, brother," Trychon concurred. The older Sith pursed his lips as a plan quickly formulated in his head.

"An impound order is usually only issued by someone in the Administration," Raezyr offered. "It only makes sense that Jama has them in his pocket."

"Very true, and with this being such a small spaceport, I imagine there's probably only one administrator for it..." Trychon lowered his tone, "I've got an idea, and if it works, not only do we get Raez's ship back, but it'll help the Black Phoenix too.

"Aitchkay, we haven't put your abilities to full use in quite some time," Trychon continued. "Listen closely, here's what I need you to do..."

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