February 11, 2010

567. The Heist - Raezyr

Raezyr clicked off the comm after speaking with Dagus Kolant, the Zabrak mercenary to whom the Sith brothers had sold the fighter they had stolen during their escape from the Republic star-cruiser. "He'll meet us at the tavern in Volahz on Talus. It's apparently a small village and only has one tavern," Raezyr said to Trychon as he turned to the older Sith.

"Well, at least it's an out of the way location, i guess. I would have preferred a large city and a big club where strangers coming and going would be unnoticed, but it shouldn't matter," Trychon commented.

A few days later the Jet Razor and the Twilight Stalker exited hyperspace on the fringes of the Corellian System. It was no accident they had chosen to meet Anya and Tyr on Corellia. It was the close to Talus, yet public enough to not give away their mercenary contact. Neither Sith knew quite why, but both were loathe to let their counter parts in on all the details they had learned.

Having had Schyrt and Reed around had an unexpected benefit for them as well. Instead of checking on the instruments in the cockpit and around the ship throughout their flight, the Sith could focus on learning from Lord Var's holocron and meditate, while their "henchmen," as Trychon and Raezyr had jokingly begun calling them, took care of the mundane tasks.

Over the course of their two days, the two Apprentices began wondering just how much more the holocron could teach them. Lord Var's avatar had grown increasingly hard to appease and glean information from, and the brothers began to suspect that the holocron did not contain as much information as they initially suspected.

That investigation would have to wait for another time though, as Reed informed them they were approaching Talus. "Very good," Raezyr said. "Trychon and I will take over from here. You and Schyrt check over the swoops and make sure they are ready to go."

"Yes m'lord," the man acknowledged, then disappeared back down the corridor.

Trychon and Raezyr took over the controls and after a brief discussion with the Royal Talus Space Command, they gained permission to bring their ship into the planet's atmosphere. They deviated slightly from their stated course, although by only 20 kilometers or so and landed in a forest, rather than right on the outskirts of Volahz. They wanted to come in as unobtrusively as possible, and 20 kilometers wasn't far enough off course to be questioned.

It was night time when the Jet Razor set down in a small clearing, and after sending HK-51 outside to stand guard, the crew caught a few hours sleep.

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