February 19, 2010

569. The Heist - Raezyr

"I still don't know why we couldn't have gone with my plan," Raezyr grumbled just loud enough for his brother to hear as they made their way on foot through the throng of people. In the short time since they had left The Tavern it seemed even more people had arrived in town. The streets were now choked with people and any travel by vehicle had become impossible.

"Raez, violence is a good plan 'B', and if this plan fails, we'll cut our way into the detention facility and cut our way back out. The problem that arises with that plan is that we might need to come back to the Corellia system sometime. It'll be easier if we're not wanted," Trychon explained.

"I just feel so filthy and dirty wearing these clothes. They make me want to throw up," Raezyr said with disgust, looking down at the tan tunic and trousers he was wearing. He pulled the hood of the brown cloak up over his head, a bit sub-conscious about the scar on his face. "Besides, these knee-high boots are a bit small."

The older Sith ignored his brothers complaints. In reality, he had no qualms about dressing as a Jedi like his younger brother did.

"You're just lucky that kid back on Korriban had a green light saber for you to use or they'd never believe we're Jedi," Raezyr commented.

"If we're really lucky, we won't even have to turn them on," the older man countered. "Thanks again for putting your blue crystals back in your lightsabers for this."

Raezyr ignored it. Switching crystals wasn't easy, and he'd had to race back to the ship to do it, and to grab the extra lightsaber while Trychon had purchased outfits that closely resembled something a Jedi might wear.

They continued through the throng on their way to Baron Zon Vona's keep. It was drawing near to sundown and the time of the execution. If this was to work, they needed an audience with the Baron quickly. If they he refused them, they might not even have time to implement Raezyr's 'Plan B'.

They needn't have worried though. Posing as Jedi, they were shown into a large office almost immediately. The room was lined with large shelves containing many volumes of old parchment manuscripts and tomes and the floor was covered in plush red carpet while the furniture was gaudily trimmed and overly carved. The books, although well dusted, were obviously never touched. It was apparent the Baron was one who wished others to think he was more important than he really was and did his best to present that image, although the Sith brothers doubted the facade fooled anyone but the commoners.

The Baron himself sat in an overly stuffed chair behind an over-sized desk, giving not the impression of importance, as was probably intended, but in reality gave the impression of a kid sitting at his father's desk, playing at being someone important.

"To what do I owe the honor of a visit from two Jedi? Neither of you are stationed on Talus, so I can only assume that you traveled here from off-world," the Baron said. His expression was smug, and he was obviously pleased with himself for deducing they weren't from this planet.

Trychon immediately decided that flattery was probably going to be his best line of approach. "Your Lordship, you are quite astute in your guess. We are indeed from Coruscant," he said, although he would have guessed the thought hadn't even occurred to him that they might be from the Jedi Temple.

"Our business is one of utmost importance and secrecy, and one which only The Honorable Zon Vona can assist us with," the Sith said.

Immediately the Baron's interest was piqued. "Oh? The mighty Jedi need the help of a lowly Baron such as I? In what way might I possibly assist the great Jedi Order?" he asked.

"My Lord, it has come to our attention that you have in your possession a certain criminal... one who possesses information vital to the success of a very important, and highly secretive Jedi mission. We humbly seek your permission to covertly take the prisoner with us back to Coruscant, and when we are finished with him, we shall return him to you, to stand for his crimes against your honorable Barony," Trychon explained. "In return, all we can offer at this time is the gratitude of the Jedi Order, and the assurance that we are in your considerable debt."

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