March 09, 2011

646. Earning Their Title - Raezyr

The next morning Reed and Schyrt broke down the make-shift camp while Trychon and Raezyr took a few sensor readings. The incident with the Meisos Crab, as they had taken to calling it, had gotten them thinking. A creature that large would require a large amount of water, not merely and underground stream, or even a river.

Something that large would require either an underground ocean, or a network of waterways in which to live and breed. They did their best to determine if either existed, but if it did, their limited equipment was unable to detect it.

Once they were under way and heading in the direction of where they had seen the glow from what they could only assume was some sort of civilized settlement, Trychon checked his data pad. "Vathka Rodas," he said to his brother.

Raezyr took his eyes off the terrain ahead of the land speeder he was piloting for only a brief moment, and even though his expression was masked by the dark blue helm, Trychon could easily imagine the confused look on the younger Sith's face. "Um... bless you?" the big man offered.

Trychon chuckled. "No, that's the name of the guy we need to find: Vathka Rodas," Trychon hollered above the noise of the wind.

"Alright," Raezyr turned his attention back to the terrain ahead. Trychon could imagine the apathetic look he had probably been given. The big Sith piloting the speeder checked it's sensors, noting that the trailing land speeder which carried Schyrt, Reed and most of the gear was following at a safe distance.

They made good time. They were able to travel at nearly top speed due to the barren terrain. It was mostly sand, rock and not much else. Pretty soon their sensors began to pick up a faint power source in the distance and Raezyr eased back on the speed. The group had traveled mostly up hill during their short journey so far, and they were nearing the hill top they had been aiming for.

Soon Raezyr came to a stop and jumped out of the vehicle which bobbed up and down as it hovered half a meter off the ground. Trychon was a step a head already, having pulled out the range scope and had leaped from the speeder before it even came to a complete stop. The Sith warriors motioned to their employees to stay with the vehicles and they began to creep forward for a first look at this settlement, or whatever it was.

The two hunkered down as they reached the peak, and they were surprised at what they saw. Sprawling before them was a lush, tropical river valley. Grasses began just a few meters down the hill below them and quickly transitioned into thick jungle-type under brush, towered above by trees. They could smell the thick vegetation below and feel the cool breezes as they rustled the leaves and trees down below. Birds flew just above the tree tops, and every once in a while they could see other animals moving about.

Amidst the heavy vegetation was a decent sized settlement, and this is what they mainly focused on with their range scope. There was a rather large compound in the near the center of the town which seemed fairly modern. The rest of the town was made up of what they could only describe as huts, and seemed almost primitive in comparison.

"Well, I'm assuming we'll find this Rathka Vados somewhere in that compound," Raezyr mused aloud, still observing through the binoculars.

"Vathka Rodas," Trychon corrected.


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