March 28, 2011

654. Earning Their Title - Trychon

Trychon and Raezyr woke the next morning to the streams of sun light pouring in through the openings in the walls. It appeared as though they'd actually managed to catch up on some much needed rest from a week's worth of long travel.

As they rubbed the weariness from their eyes and gathered up their belongings, which was little more than their lightsabers and watersockets at this point, they were greeted by the friendly maidens again. In the better light of the late morning, they were able to see that the women who were serving them now were every bit as beautiful as the ones Rodas had in his home. Clearly these women had lived a very protected life from the harsh conditions outside the towns. Their robes were clearly designed with comfort rather than function in mind, though some consideration may have been made to showing off their physique as well.

They spent some time being waited on and massaged by the servants, and found the general experience to be very relaxing. Trychon was doing his best to flirt through the language barrier, and was having moderate success considering the limited shared vocabulary. Raezyr kept giving him somewhat admonishing glances, but couldn't help but smile and try to talk to them as well.

Eventually, they were urged out in the streets with the promise that Gavrik would find them soon enough.

They were surprised to see the streets full with what seemed to be a celebration of sorts. There were aliens filling every corner of the walkways, gathered around various performers and displays. They walked past quite a few of the performances that were clearly impressing the locals. They were doing a number of trivial acts that seemed to be intended for the sole purpose of showing off some meager Force or 'Weave' ability. They stopped to watch a small group do a rather impressive juggling routine that had garnered a rather large crowd.

"Kinda makes you want to give them a little push, doesn't it?" Trychon quietly asked his brother.

"It would be good to show some of your skill, yes." A voice from behind them caused them to turn and see Gavrik approaching. "It would garner some respect from others and get them talking. That is part of why you came. Please no disturbances though."

Raezyr shrugged and began to gently push his way to the front of the crowd. When he managed to get through to the front of the group, he waited until one of the performers was looking in his general direction and he gestured to let him join.

The alien glanced at the Sith and chuckled to himself before nodding. He snatched a fruit out of the air and threw it as quick as he could at Raezyr's head.

Raezyr reacted quickly and knocked it up into the air. It passed over his head and landed in his other outstretched hand behind him. He casually tossed it back to his front hand and simply began tossing it up and down in place.

The alien nodded again and tossed two larger oblong shaped fruits to Raezyr, who again caught them deftly before tossing them through the air between his hands.

After a few tosses, the alien started to lose interest and was shaking his head at Raezyr's lackluster style. The Sith grinned at him and tossed one several meters into the air.

Trychon vaulted himself over the crowd and caught the fruit out of the air on his way down from a long back flip. The crowd suddenly was taking notice, and gave a short applause. Trychon gave a short bow and then waited to receive the rest of the fruits from his brother. After juggling them for only a moment, he caught them all and threw them up in the air towards Raezyr again.

Raezyr jumped high in the air, and then flexed one arm out towards the other Sith, causing the fruits to stop midair and reverse direction to their origin, where they were caught and juggled again.

The applause came once more, with greater volume and length. Both of the Sith bowed and then clapped after tossing the fruits back to the performers. They vaulted over the crowd again and looked for another crowd to impress for a while before they headed to the meeting.

Gavrik pointed at another acrobatic group. "This is very exciting. Once in the lifetime meetings don't happen very often."

Raezyr got a confused look on his face at that comment and saw his brother did the same. "But I thought Rodas said..."

Gavrik had already walked out of hearing range though. They decided to ignore the contradictory statement, and moved in to get a closer look at the next performance they would join.

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