March 16, 2011

649. Earning Their Title - Trychon

The natives jumped back in reaction to 'mysterious' attack on their fellow warriors.  Before they could react any further, two more fell victim in successive shots without the prompting of either of the Sith.

Raezyr held up his hand in a closed fist by his shoulder to indicate a temporary cease fire, but maintained readiness.  The three remaining aliens tensed to pounce at them but halted curiously when Raezyr held his hand in front of them, signaling them to stop.

He removed his helm and handed it to Trychon.  His expression remained neutral with a hint of disinterest, but his brother could feel through the Force an amusement at the natives.  He tossed his gloves to his brother as well, and then shifted his head to each side while moving his shoulders in a circular motion as though loosening up.

He then quickly dropped into a fighting stance and waved for the aliens to attack.  They did as he asked, the nearest to him taking two steps and lunging at his now unguarded face with his long spear.

Raezyr was at a disadvantage in overall size and reach, but he was not at a loss for speed, even in comparison to the athletic aliens.  In one fluid motion he moved inches to his right to avoid the piercing edge of the weapon, while his right hand shot out and grabbed the staff just below the joint, breaking it off.

He backhanded the sharp point through the air and into the unsuspecting neck of the warrior second nearest to him, who had been mentally changed to 'Target two' when the others went down.

Bringing both hands back to the staff of the spear, he wrenched it away from the warrior who was holding it.  The warrior was not inclined to give it up easily, but he was already outstretched in his lunging movement, and was easily pulled to the ground where he began a roll to return to his feet.

Raezyr took one step and then placed his other foot on the moving back of the grounded aggressor.  Using it as a platform, he launched himself at the last warrior still standing.  He came down with all his weight and strength as he had the night before in the cave.  The last warrior was holding a set of their rock swords and crab-shields, which he raised and braced to block the attack from the Sith.

The staff of the spear was not as sturdy as the stalagmite though, and it shattered into three smaller pieces and a number of shards as it knocked the warrior backwards.  To its credit, it managed to keep some of his balance and attempted a wild swing of the sword as he reset its footing.

Raezyr allowed the swing to pass harmlessly in front of his eyes by only a few centimeters.  As the sword was swung through the end of its arc and was starting to come around on another angle, the Sith shot a powerful hook punch to the side of the alien's throat.

The alien began to fall now, arms coming together to clutch at its neck and check for structural damage.  Raezyr was pretty sure it wasn't a fatal blow, but he'd be down for a minute.

The first target had come up behind the Sith and was swinging its massive arm at his head.  Raezyr ducked underneath the attack without so much as glancing back.  He followed through on the motion, pulling his torso downward as he pulled his knee to his chest before launching it into a sidekick at the center of the warrior's bare torso.

Raezyr paused then, glancing at the two fallen enemies that still lived, clearly deciding their fate when a voice called out from the edge of the clearing.  Shouting for volume more than urgency they heard the rough semblance of basic.


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