June 05, 2009

447. Manipulation of Emotion - Trychon

Raezyr looked over at Trychon, hoping that at the last moment he'd awaken or at least stir, but to no avail. He reached over and shook his arm briefly, but Trychon's arm remained limp.

"He hasn't stirred since your arrival, I'm afraid." Brother Odilo explained as he walked over to examine Trychon. "While we can't seem to find any particular reason for his state, it appears he's a bit behind you in the recovery process. Give him time and trust in the force."

"Oh, he's in there." Raezyr smiled. "He's just being a bit lazy."

Brother Odilo turned to look at Raezyr, clearly unsure what to make of the comment at first, but his eyes shifted to the entrance almost immediately after they had fallen on Raezyr. "Mister Raezyr, I'd like to introduce you to our wisest leader, Father Monahan." He extended his open hand in a gesture towards the doorway.

Raezyr followed the gesture to the man who was standing at the edge of the room. Standing there was an older man whose general appearance seemed to match the others Raezyr had seen so far. Lean and short with pointed ears, he was distinguished not by his balding head, but by the white robe he wore and the amulet around his neck that was a twin to the one that Brother Odilo was now replacing on the hook in the ceiling.

Father Monahan stepped forward and extended his hand to Raezyr. When Raezyr lifted his hand to meet the monk's, the elder man grasped his hand with both of his own, and held them firmly but gently. "Welcome to our home, Mister Raezyr. We're all very glad that you seem to be doing better now."

Monahan released Raezyr's hand and sat down in the chair that was next to his bed. "We aren't used to visitors here, and we welcome and enjoy our privacy... but a rare occurrence as it is, we also tend to enjoy the unique stimulus to our collective community."

Raezyr nodded. "I'm sure if my brother Trychon were awake, he'd join me in thanking you for your hospitality."

Monahan smiled at him. "As I said, it is our rare pleasure. We couldn't possibly give you any less." Looking to Brother Odilo he continued. "Brother Odilo, how do you feel your patient is faring?"

"Remarkably well, actually. He feels as though he responds well to the touch of grace. I'm sure he'll be weak and a bit uncomfortable for a while, but all that's left for him now is a bit of time and perhaps a few more touches of grace."

Monahan turned and patted Raezyr on the shoulder. "I was hoping as much. I think the best thing for you would be to get out of this depressing hut and out into the energies of the Force a bit more. I'd like you to be my guest at our assembly this evening, but I do feel it's only fair to warn you that your unexpected arrival has caused... a bit of a stir. I don't want you to be alarmed if you get a large amount of attention especially at first." When Raezyr didn't respond, he went on. "Excellent. I look forward to having you join us. Probably nearly as much as some of our young." He paused briefly. "Alas, I've been a bad host already. Please tell me a bit about yourself."

Raezyr contemplated his answer. He knew this question was coming, and had decided the best route was to be honest. Mostly. "Well, we're probably not that different really. We're wanderers, really. We kind of go where the force leads us."

Father Monahan seemed a bit surprised. "Are you Jedi?"

Raezyr shook his head and saw Brother Odilo stifle a chuckle from the corner of the room. "No. I was raised and trained by Jedi, but I eventually left the order. I found my Brother and have taught him some of what I learned, though neither of us consider ourselves to be Jedi."

Father Monahan considered this for a moment before the smile returned to his features. "I had a feeling that you were special. This may make some of our brothers and sisters even more curious, but all will be well in the end. I'm sure you'll acclimate well." He stood up. "I apologize for the abruptness of my visit, however I am due to make a few final preparations for this evening. I look forward to you joining us."

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