July 01, 2009

477. Flight of the Decoy - Raezyr

About two hours after the Wasted Rancor entered hyperspace and left the Nevoota System behind, the Nefarion Wraith slipped in quietly, and made it's way to a small moon on orbiting the outermost planet. It was little more than a glorified asteroid which had somehow been captured by the uninhabitable planet's gravity field.

Quickly they landed inside of a small crater and shut down all but the most necessary of systems, generating as small of an energy signature as they could. The two occupants gazed out of the cockpit windows toward Nevoota, the star around which all six planets of the system orbited. From where they sat, it was little more than a larger star, it's light barely illuminating the surface on which the ship sat.

"Now what?" Anya asked, gazing into the darkness surrounding the ship.

"Now we wait and see if Trych's program does what it's supposed to do," Tyr said, punching up a routine maintenance check on the ship's systems. It wouldn't do to be caught stranded here. Better to know about a problem now.

"How long is that going to take? I'm getting bored already after the fun we had on Balmorra," Anya said, crossing her arms across her chest, pouting.

Tyr gazed at her for a moment. The young female knew her affect on men, but he wondered if she knew that he wasn't immune to her charms either. They had spent a lot of time together since parting company from Trychon and Raezyr, and so far their relationship had remained strictly platonic, but it was getting harder for Tyr to be around her and resist her charms. He pulled his eyes away from her, deciding she no idea.

"It will take as long as it takes. First, Balmorra has to sent out "Be-on-the-look-out" notice, and depending on what kind of priority it's labeled, it may take a while for it to reach the correct people on the Unity. When it does, though, you can bet they'll come running. Her captain... what's his name? Moklam, is sure to want revenge after the kind of damage Raez and Trych inflicted on his people." Tyr glanced down at the readouts as the diagnostics tests finished. "Just be patient."

"What are we supposed to do until then?" Anya asked exasperated. "I've already read that stupid book twice since we left Hoth, and I'm getting sick of sparring. You kick my ass almost everytime."

"I can think of a few things," Tyr said, wincing at having aired his inner desires.

"What do you mean," Anya said warily, and glancing at her partner suspiciously from the corner of her eye.

Tyr recovered nicely. "Oh, like sabacc, or pazaak, and there's always space chess," he said still staring at the readouts, even though he had already read them.

"Yeah, like I'm going to play cards with you. I've seen what you can do with a deck," she laughed. They ended up playing space chess for several hours, before turning in for the night.

Early the next morning, while eating their breakfast, their patience was rewarded, as the alarm on the ship's computer began sounding. They quickly put their plates away and headed for the cockpit.

Looking down at the display, they saw the information they had been waiting for: a complete readout on the Unity. It told them exactly when and where the ship had entered the system, and even the last system it had been in, and what route it had taken to get there, and what speed. As a bonus, they noted, it also gave them a list of the Hammerhead's "problem" reports, indicating what was broken and needed to be fixed.

They grinned at each other, then started the ship's engines with out worry. The Unity had entered the system on the opposite end from where they were located.

Within minutes, they made their jump to hyperspace, and their next destination.

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