July 28, 2009

488. Flight of the Decoy - Raezyr

The Wasted Rancor circled in a holding pattern around Adascopolis, the capitol city of Arkania.

"What's taking them so long to give us landing clearance?" Anya pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

"It could be any number of things. This kind of wait time isn't all that out of the ordinary with a completely enclosed city like this," Tyrrazapon said hopefully. He didn't want to admit the wait was starting to bother him too. They had chosen Arkania as their next destination, thinking it would be far enough from Balmorra to not be actively looking for their ship, but he was beginning to think they should have chosen somewhere a bit farther.

Anya uncrossed her arms and leaned forward, looking out the cockpit windows to the frigid tundra below. She had grown immensely sick of the cold on Hoth, and was grateful that the cities here were completely enclosed, sheltering the inhabitants from the bitter cold weather.

Finally landing control contacted them with their approach vector, and as they drew near, they saw the force field in the landing opening flicker and go out. Tyrrazapon guided the ship into the city and set the ship down gently in the place they were instructed to land. Glancing back at the entrance he watched the force field flicker back into existence, and he hoped they wouldn't need such a fast get away this time, or things might get a bit hairy.

The two Sith exited the ship, paid their docking fees which included a refuel, before heading over to the private hagars. Tyrrazapon had an old smuggler friend who said he had a job for them.

They were met inside by a human male dressed in a black tunic and tan pants. The blaster he wore on his hip was slung low and tied down. "Hey Tyr, long time no see?" the man said, clapping Tyrrazapon on the shoulder. He turned and looked Anya up and down. "My, my, who do we have here?" he asked, grinning.

"Anya, this is Kal Van-Dohr... Kal, this is Anya," Tyr said, introducing the two.

Kal took Anya's hand and kissed it. "I tell you what you ought to do: ditch this nerf-herder and sign on with me... but that's alright, we'll take care that later," he chuckled.

Anya smiled back at him, then spoke to Tyr. "You never told me Kal was such a charmer." She gave Kal a coy look.

Tyr chuckled. "You better cool it Kal, you're way out of your league with this one, trust me."

"If that's true, then what's she doing with you?" the smuggler laughed out loud.

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