July 15, 2009

481. Manipulation of Emotion - Trychon

Trychon gently replaced the small weed into the ground, having removed two small tips off of the roots, and placing them into his sack. He only needed a few more choice samples and he'd be done with the analgesics, and he could move on to what he was looking forward to. He'd been learning all sorts of uses for the various indigenous plant life here, but his favorite application had been the time he'd spent learning how to make the ale that he and Raezyr couldn't get enough of. He wondered about the availability of the same ingredients on other planets.

Fully aware of the usefulness of the applications, he spent most of his time learning with Violet. He enjoyed his time picking her brain about the properties of various herbs, while trying to think of how he'd best be able to apply that knowledge when they were done on this planet. He didn't directly reference any of the more devious uses he could come up with for his new knowledge, and even bored himself at times asking about the dullest concoctions.

Finally finished, Trychon stood up and checked his bag again to make sure he hadn't missed any of the ingredients he needed for that day's work with Violet, who was back at the Healer's hut, checking on their stocks. Assured that he hadn't forgotten anything, he headed over to the area where most of the key ingredients were for the brewmaster's work. Brother Kurlite, or 'Kurz' as many of the men called him, had been very happy for the help with some of the gathering, as it allowed more time for him to provide quality control to his own work.

Many of the plants that Kurz preferred for his ales were more natural to the mountainous regions, but with the help of Violet he'd managed to make a small farm of the ingredients thrive here for convenience. Sometimes Kurz still would trek to the mountains to get the best ingredients naturally for his private selections still.

Bent over with his harvesting tools, he pretended not to feel the presence of one of the monks coming up from behind him. Waiting for a suitably audible crunch from the man's boots or anything of the sort, Trychon continued his work. When the time was right, he spun around, visibly startled.

"Oh, Brother Ocker! What a surprise! To what do I owe the pleasure?" Trychon asked as he freed his hands by attaching his tools back on his belt.

"Mr. Trychon, sir... I was on my way home, and I think we have a serious situation in the fields, and you were... the closest person I could think of to find that could maybe help." Ocker stammered slightly as he responded.

Trychon simply nodded as he finished gathering his things and gestured for Ocker to show him the way.

Trychon doubted the honesty as to why Ocker had come to him specifically, but it didn't really matter. Brother Ocker was one of the leaders of the Monastery, but more importantly he was the leader of the miners. According to Mannix, who had become a bit of a mascot for those who believed either Raezyr, Trychon, or both were the prophesied ones, Ocker was one of Trychon's most enthusiastic supporters. Mannix would know, as he was also nearly the president of the Trychon supporting group, if there had been any organization to the movement.

Trychon mused about how things had been developing with Mannix as he leisurely walked down the path to keep up with the quick, smaller steps of the monk leading him. Mannix had been reveling in the thoughts that he'd been right all along, and the fact that his popularity had been growing over the past few weeks with half of the Monestery. At the same time, the other half was not very happy with Mannix at all and it was painfully obvious to him. They avoided puplicly talking down about him, but Mannix wasn't stupid. Nor was he as polite about his feelings anymore when he felt he was being looked down at. Trychon and Raezyr were happy with his progress in this manner when they saw it, but they kept it to themselves. In fact, they promised Violet and Mathias to try and help the boy when they were approached about the increasing issues.

Trychon had even had a troubling dream the previous week that he wasn't sure whether it stemmed from the talk with Mannix's parents, or just remaining unease. He had seen the same dream before many times, when he blamed himself for Kord's death, but it was different this last time, as it was no longer Kord's, but Mannix's disappointed face that looked upon him in death.

He slipped out of his daydream when Brother Ocker spoke a few key words. Ocker had been talking about the mysterious damaging of the crops the past few weeks, Trychon had heard about that... then the monk went on to mention bug repellants, which Trychon had handy and had nodded absently. It was when Ocker mentioned something about a 'Key Prophesy' that Trychon's attention came to full.

"Wait, what was that part again?" Trychon stopped in his tracks, grabbing the older man in front of him by his shoulders.

Ocker looked at him nervously. "I wasn't sure I should say anything. It's just that some of the people have been talking about these crop issues, and if they match up with one of the foretold tasks."

He continued on to recite the words was referring to.

With our community resources facing inhuman danger
He will step forward and face an oncoming stranger
The Force will be his enemy and not his ally, throwing him through the field
With strength and courage, he will refuse to yield.

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