August 03, 2009

493. Manipulation of Emotion - Raezyr

The trek back to the monastery took less time than expected. Instead of following the course of the river and taking time to search, they were able to cut the distance by going nearly straight back.

Other search teams were also late in returning, refusing to give up without any results, but still Raezyr and Abbot were the last ones back. There was discussion about sending a few other teams back out again, but most were giving up hope of finding the apprentice healer.

Many monks were gathered in the staging area outside the temple, and hush fell over the group as they noticed the two along with the bundle which Raezyr carried in his arms.

Black storm clouds billowed over head as the people parted quietly for Raezyr as he slowly walked to the center of the small crowd. His muscles were aching from carrying Saffron's body the whole way, and at times he had been tempted to sling her over his shoulder, but after Abbot had told him about the prophecy, he knew that he had no other choice but to carry her, still cradled in his arms.

Trychon moved up beside his brother from the back of the crowd as Raezyr laid the body down gently on the stone table in the center of the Gathering area, and Monahan reverently pulled back the edge of the blanket, verifying that it was indeed Saffron. He closed his eyes and turned his head as he carefully replaced the blanket.

"Prepare a funeral pyre," he turned and said to the Council members present, and all about, monks began to cry, and a few muffled words of prayers could be heard as the villagers consoled one another at the confirmation of their worst fears.

"I'm sorry, Father Monahan," Raezyr spoke, loud enough so those around could hear. "I'm no physician, but it appeared to me that she had a wound on her head. I can only surmise she must have somehow hit her head, then fallen into the river, unconscious."'

"We will have Brother Odilo examine her and see what he thinks, but I believe you are right," the leader of the monks said.

"No!" a voice shouted from the crowd.

Everyone turned in shock to see who had spoken, as Mannix pushed his way forward. "She would never have been so careless!" the young man said vehemently. "There are dozens who hated what she had to say. Someone silenced her."

He turned to face the shocked crowd. "Listen to me, Taxl monks! Trychon and Raezyr are the Ones foretold of in the prophecies!

"Time after time, they continue to fulfill them, and yet there are still doubters among you! How can you ignore the wisdom and foresight of our ancestors, when the proof is right before your eyes!" Mannix shouted, and voices of agreement began to rise among some in the crowd.

Mannix turned to the Sith brothers. "Trychon, Raezyr, do you finally believe?"

"No, Mannix, we're just ordinary men," Raezyr said, maintaining their stance of being neutral.

Just then, Trychon felt and slight nudge through the Force, and recognizing the time was right, he put his hand on Raezyr's shoulder. "No, brother. Can't you see? Mannix has been right all along. One, or both of us must be the One."

Raezyr, having felt the same nudge, hid a smile, knowing that this must be the moment.

"Blasphemy!" came another voice, and Baldemar stepped forward, shaking his fist in the air. "They are OUTSIDERS! Outsiders who constantly break our laws, and taunt our beliefs! It's blasphemy to proclaim such lies, and you tarnish the memories of our forefathers by spewing such rubbish!

"The Force will punish you blasphemers, just as it has punished Saffron!" Baldemar yelled.

It was too much for many in the crowd, with the pain of Saffron's death still fresh.

"Murderer!" Mannix screamed, as he and dozens of monks lunged toward Baldemar, their hands tearing at him from all sides. Fighting broke out throughout the crowd, and quickly spread throughout the village.

At that moment, lightning lanced down from the black, roiling clouds above and struck the temple with a deafening peal of thunder, and a howling wind tore through the monastery.


  1. HAHAHA.... I love it!

    Need to add a thunderclap or something at the end.

    DUN DUN DUN!!!!!

  2. You're right... it's added!! :D

  3. Hey, Raezyr, Trych says you should call him when you get up :D

  4. Wonderful. Even better than I thought.
    Great use of Mannix.
