August 07, 2009

494. Manipulation of Emotion - Raezyr

Father Monahan and the other council members tried in vain to implore the monks to stop their fighting, but most either couldn't hear due to the howling wind, or were too angry to care.

Inevitably, tools and other objects became weapons. Whatever people could get their hands on: walking sticks, shovels, pitchforks, axes, rocks and knives.

Raezyr and Trychon stood watching the madness. Baldemar was able to slip away from the people attacking him and ran, stopping to pick up a medium sized rock and launch it at his pursuers. One monk ducked, but it struck the man behind him in the face, dropping him.

They watched as two of the council members tried to physically separate a group of brawlers, and one ended up catching a shovel to the temple for his troubles, and the monks turned on the other. He disappeared beneath the small crowd as they pulled him down.

"Now's our chance to call Huck," Trychon shouted to his brother over the noise of the wind. Raezyr nodded in agreement.

They tried to slip away toward the temple when they were rushed by two monks. Raezyr grabbed a sledge hammer leaning against a hut and swung. He felt the skull crush beneath the blow as it connected with the first one, and blood splattered across Raezyr's robes, driven by the wind.

A few steps behind the first Taxl, the second came to a halt and tried to change course, but Raezyr swung the heavy sledge again, catching him in the mid section. The monk dropped and began writhing on the ground, coughing blood and moaning from the internal injuries.

The Sith then made a hasty retreat for the temple and the monk's ancient communications room. They made it there quickly, and Trychon slid into the seat at the controls. It took a few moments for the old components to warm up, but finally it crackled to life.

"Monk's Star to the Twilight Stalker. Huck, when you get this, fire up the Razor and get your metal butt down here. We'll be ready by then," Trychon said, then shut the system off. He looked over at Raezyr who was had stepped out onto the balcony.

He walked over and stood next to the other Sith, their robes whipping in the wind and looked down onto the village below. The clouds were black as night and lighting struck all around, and the thunderous peals told them just how close the strikes were.

Together they surveyed the scene below. Everywhere they looked, monk fought monk. Brother against brother against friend against neighbor, and the wounded and dying lay about the small monastery.

"Let's get back to the house. I want to get rid of these ridiculous robes and get back into my armor," Raezyr said.

Trychon only nodded his concurrence.

Just before they turned away, a massive bolt of lightning struck a tall tree in the Temple garden. It split and burst into flames which quickly began spreading through the rest of the garden.


  1. Hehe... I'm calling him metal butt from now on. I don't know that he'll like that.

  2. I really wanted to steal a bit from 'Futurama' and use "shiny metal ass" but HK is sort of a flat, gun-metal gray, and therefore not really very shiny.

    And since when does anyone care what a droid likes? LOL
