August 08, 2009

495. Manipulation of Emotion - Trychon

They made their way as quickly as they could manage through the riots to get back to Mathias' hut. They didn't even bother with any of their would be attackers as they passed, simply allowing the crowds to intercept them and shoving them back through the force on the rare occasion that they got close.

The gale winds and arcing lightning were soon joined by torrents of rain. The precipitation started out strongly before waning a bit, then varying its downpour. Out of curiosity, Raezyr looked back to the fire in the garden, only to see that its heat was more than sustaining it.

They continued on only to find that a group was already outside the hut fighting. They came to a halt just short of the mass of monks, which seemed to be yelling and arguing for the moment, rather than being violent as nearly every other pocket of activity. With the wind and other elements still gaining momentum, it was hard to make out specific sights or sounds from the ordeal.

"They head us off?" Trychon asked Raezyr.

Raezyr responded only by moving forward again until they were close enough to get a better feel for what was going on. A few heads turned their way, and they even seemed enraged at the arrival of the Sith, but unwilling at the time to confront them directly. Raezyr nudged Trychon when he recognized one of them as Baldemar's buddy. Trychon nodded, and they stepped to the edge of the crowd, with feelings of anticipation building.

"He's my SON! I'll be handing nobody over!" They could finally make out Mathias at the entryway to the hut, wielding a large sledge hammer similar to the one Raezyr had used. Violet was standing behind him with a very concerned look on her face, but with her arms crossed resolutely.

A voice in the crowd yelled back. "His rubbish is tearing this town apart! Look what he's done!" There were several agreements from all around.

Violet had clearly heard enough. "We're all responsible! Can't you see how the madness has spread?! Look at yourselves! Calling for the head of a BOY! What has happened to everyone?!"

The mob began to move forward, all yelling their own arguments at the same time. Mathias attempted to push them back with the handle of his hammer. He felt himself being pushed backward instead, and he took a step back to create enough room to start swinging the makeshift weapon. He was as untrained as the rest of the monks when it came to martial skills, but his knowledge of the hammer was evident immediately as he fell three of the aggressors in as many swings. The advancement slowed then stopped.

Baldemar came running out from the trees. "Guys, stop! I'm ok! I'm here!" The crowd backed up and allowed Baldemar through. He was about to say something to his father, but was greeted only with a look and a gesture to go inside. He nodded and complied.

The mob seemed momentarily unsure of what to do next, and the air was filled with mixed grumbling. Mathias continued to stare them down, and they seemed prepared to disperse when Violet's shriek pierced the air. Everyone outside the hut was silenced, and then the sound of Mannix and Baldemar yelling became prevalent. Baldemar fell out of the entryway and Mannix jumped on him instantly, with his hands wrapped as tightly as he could manage around his brother's throat.

Violet was crying and pleading for her sons to stop as she pried Mannix off from Baldemar. Baldemar coughed a few times as he got to his feet, before launching himself at Mannix, and tackling him out of their mother's arms and out of the view of the crowd and the two Sith.

That seemed to be enough to break the shock of the crowd, who quickly moved on Mathias again, who was quick to bludgeon them in defense of his family. The worry on his face was evident though as the sounds of violence continued behind him as well, along with the crying of his wife.

As handy as he was with the metalworking tool, the crowd was becoming too much for him, and Raezyr and Trychon ignited their weapons. Using the Force simultaneously to split a lane in the mob, they began to cut down the size of the attacking monks. Screams of pain, confusion and fear emanated from the group as their numbers quickly dwindled.

"ENOUGH!" Mathias yelled, seemingly both at his children as well as the Sith. Trychon and Raezyr shoved outward with the force, knocking all of Baldemar's friends off their feet and several feet back.

"Leave now." Raezyr said just loud enough to be heard, his voice Force augmented over the wind. The few survivors scrambled to their feet and ran.

Mathias nodded to Trychon and Raezyr in thanks, breathing heavily and wiping sweat and blood from the scratches on his face. They turned and walked into the hut, to see Mannix lying on his back, clearly on the losing side of his battle with one eye already swollen shut and blood pouring from his nose and lips.

Mathias dropped his hammer. "Baldemar!"

Baldemar struck Mannix one final time on the cheek, opening another wound. Then he got to his feet and slowly backed up to his bunk. He collapsed onto it, sitting down with his shoulders slumped and his eyes wide. "I'm...." He paused, staring at his hands, which were covered in dirt and blood. "I'm sorry." He looked at his father and seemed as though he was going to say something else, but all he managed to do was repeat the phrase again twice.

Violet looked up from the corner she was curled up in. She was still crying heavily, but she was trying to regain control of herself.

Mathias took a step towards his oldest son, but Mannix was to his feet in a flash. He rushed towards Baldemar. As he did, lightning continued to flash outside and there was a shining glint from his hand. His hand reached Baldemar's side in an instant as Mannix shot across the room. He pulled his hand back to reveal a growing crimson blotch on the torn robes of his brother. He struck again on the same side, pulling back again and pausing long enough for the knife in his hand to be visible, dripping with blood.

Baldemar sat motionless, with his mouth wide open, yet unable to even whimper. Mannix lashed out again, this time planting the knife firmly in the center of Baldemar's chest and releasing it there. Baldemar finally managed to utter one last time "I'm.... Sorry..."

Mannix let his fist fly, punching his dying brother in the face. It was clearly a pointless gesture, but Mannix clearly didn't feel so.

"SHUT UP!" He yelled. Behind him, Mathias fell to his knees in grief, while Violet rushed to hold Baldemar. She grabbed his lifeless body and clutched his head to her chest.

Trychon grabbed Mannix by the shoulders and led him past his father to the door. There was no more crowd outside. Trychon whispered in his ear. "Run to the forest and stay there. You want no more part of this tonight. You did what you had to. Go."

Trychon knew that Mannix wanted to argue the point. To him, this was an important night in the history of his people. He lacked the energy to do so though, instead he turned towards the forest and walked slowly off. Trychon heard him mutter as he went. "No, Baldemar... now you're sorry."