August 21, 2009

505. Planet Den Var - Raezyr

Raezyr sat alone on the bridge of the Twilight Stalker. His burns were healing nicely, and he doubted they'd leave any scars other than those inflicted on his psyche. As if that's not scarred enough already, he mused.

Trychon was in his quarters. He wanted to mess with his data cards and computer systems on the way there, as well as run some system's diagnostics. He had mentioned something about a journal, and had tried to convince Raezyr to start one as well, but he wasn't sure he'd even know what to put down in a journal.

They had ordered Aitchkay to accompany Mannix as he spent the first several hours exploring the large spacecraft, and keep the monk from accidentally ejecting himself out of an airlock. After the newness had worn off, and the reality of his situation had sunk in, he had retreated to his cabin and hadn't been seen since.

Raezyr could sense strong emotions of depression, alternating with anger and sadness at times, emanating from Mannix' quarters. He knew the kid would need some time come to terms with what happened, and with no clear direction for any of them right now, he could take whatever time he needed.

He began making a mental checklist of things they needed to do: First, get to Den Var, and after some unwinding, he'd send a message to Dianna, to let her know they were alright, and then pick up what ever supplies they needed. Trychon was sure to want a new datapad, and both the Stalker and the Jet Razor were showing some need of minor maintenance on their systems diagnostics.

Secondly, they needed to track down the Black Phoenix and see how their newly acquired "enterprise" was doing. Falka, their appointed Captain of the pirate/smuggling group had seemed like a competent and experienced individual, but they needed to see how the group was doing for themselves. Besides, Trychon was sure to want to "check up" on Haley Stargazer, the cyborg slicer who had given Trychon fits during their raid on Fillis Riv-ars' pirate group.

They needed to go back to Hoth, and to Korriban, and THX1138, and somewhere in all of that hey needed to report in to Lord Eiron, if he was still even alive, as well as check in with Tyr and Anya.

Raezyr's thoughts were brought back to the present by a small warning indicator. He checked the controls and saw they were nearing the end of their hyperspace jump. Flicking a switch, he made a general announcement over the ships loudspeakers informing Trychon and Mannix of the news.

They came out of hyperspace as close as Den Var regulations would allow, and after getting clearance and making arrangements for a private hangar, landed the large spacecraft at one of the main spaceports.

They gathered what things they'd need for a short stay and after making even more arrangements for some ship maintenance and repairs, made their way to a nearby hotel.

Club Sky, here we come, Raezyr grinned as he stepped out of the refresher and put on a some clean clothes.

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