March 04, 2010

574. Flight of the Decoy - Raezyr

Anya watched through the viewport in the galley area of the Nefarion Wraith as the planet slid away into the blackness behind them. They were going to have to go pick up the Wasted Rancor and she was not looking forward to it. It wasn't so much the separation from Tyr she cared about but the being alone part.

When she had first arrived on Korriban, there had been a couple other Sith at the academy, but after a few weeks they had left, and she had spent the next several months alone in the giant Sith temple, trying to teach herself the ways of the Sith on her own, and not having much luck. Being alone anywhere reminded her of that and she clung to others to avoid it, although she would never admit that to anyone.

As the disc of Budpock shrank in the blackness, she thought about the numerous worlds she had visited since running away and leaving Corellia. She'd never for get the names of some of them, Korriban, Hoth, Coruscant... while others she already couldn't remember.

How she had longed to travel the stars back when she was stuck on Corellia, and now she was going to be returning. The bitter memories flooded back. Memories that she had blocked for a long time. Memories of the abuse she had suffered at the hands of her parents. The neglect and emotional abuse of her mother and the physical abuse of her father.

Her one hope had been the Jedi. Two had come to test her as a young girl, but they had deemed her to be too weak for the Order. Her parents had blamed her for not being selected and the abuse only became worse. If the Jedi had only accepted her...

After that there was the indentured servitude to the 'escort' service when she was still quite young. The proprietor had taken it upon himself to 'instruct' her personally and she had quickly learned that the better service she provided, the better the clients she was assigned to. In turn, the better clients treated her better and thus she had quickly become one of the proprietor's top girls, becoming whatever each client wanted and playing the role to a tee.

Secretly she had stashed money away until she was able to run away and purchase passage off Corellia and out of the sector. She had sworn that someday she would return and exact revenge on her parents and the owner of the brothel, and she grinned knowing that time was drawing near.

The stars in the viewport elongated and suddenly they were in hyperspace and heading toward the empty expanse of interstellar space where they had left their other ship. Tyr entered the galley a moment later and grabbed an ale from the cooler unit.

"Tyr, don't tell them about us when we meet up with them, alright?"

"Who?" Tyr asked, sitting down and pouring the cold ale into a glass. "Oh, you mean don't tell Trych and Raez... Sure... it's none of their business."

"Good," Anya replied. "They also don't need to know how much stronger we've grown since we left."

"Well, they're going to expect that we've been practicing some. We can't hide all improvement," he said, taking a sip of his beverage. "But why do we want to hide it? Wouldn't it be beneficial to all of us to share what we've learned?"

"Tyr, baby, you know how Raez is. He thinks he's the god's gift to the Sith, and Trychon, while a nice guy, is so naive about the way things work. Our group needs a strong leader, and that should be you," she said matter of factly.

"I'm not sure I'm following you."

"Look, they've been rummaging through old ruins and living with monks this whole time, learning about how to be a Sith while we, on the other hand, have been out being Sith.

"We both know that Raez's big ego is not going to let him subject himself to anyone else, even if they deserve to be the leader, and if we want to succeed in this Galaxy, we need a strong one, and the strong leader is you, Tyr, not Raezyr and certainly not Trychon," she explained.

"If we share everything we've learned with them, it will give them equal footing. Sure, we'll show them a little of what we've picked up, but there is going to come a time when they think they can order us around and we'll have to show them just who is in charge," she told him.

Tyr thought for a few minutes, slowing sipping his ale. "Your right. We'll see what they want, and we may even play along for a while, but when the time is right, we'll step up and take control. Besides money is running low, and it's about time to take over Dianna's operation on Hoth. Force her to work for us."

He got up to get another ale, and Anya watched him. She thought back to her days on Corellia and how she had learned to get men to do the things she wanted. Clay in a scultpor's hands, she thought to herself.

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