March 11, 2010

577. The Heist - Raezyr

Raezyr wiped the sweat from his chest and face with a towel as he made his way through the hatch to Trychon's quarters on the Jet Razor. He was excited about the new discovery and couldn't wait to tell his brother the good news.

He knocked on the door, waited a second, then entered anyway. Luckily Trychon was just concentrating on the work he was doing. He sat hunched over at a work table, an unusually long lightsaber hilt lay on the desk and a slight bit of smoke rose as the older Sith soldered a part into place.

"How goes it? You have any questions?" Raezyr asked. He was happy to see his brother's work was nearly complete, but he was more excited about the new holocron.

"It's almost done, Raez," Trychon said, looking up from the desk. "I'm so close I can almost hear it humming now."

"That's great," the younger brother said almost dismissively, "but I've got some important news."

"You got one of the holocrons to open up," Trychon guessed intuitively.

His brother's shoulders slumped just a bit, the excitement suddenly gone. "Yeah, how did you know?"

"I don't know... I just kind of sensed it."

"The thing is, I think it opened because it sensed my talent for the lightsaber. Why it never opened for both of us before, I don't know," Raezyr continued. "I think that you should try the holocrons by yourself as soon as possible."

"That doesn't surprise me," the other Sith replied. "In my studies I've read that sometimes holocrons are keyed to those with certain abilities, or those who have reached a certain level of prowess with the Force. Apparently that one was keyed to open only to someone who has your gift with melee combat," Trychon surmised."

"Did it have anything good to teach you?"

"Trych... I learned so much just in the last couple of hours," Raezyr began. "I didn't realize how little I knew before. My knowledge was just the tip of the iceberg of what there is to know weapons, and even if we can't get it to open up to you or the others, I can pass on what I learn."

"Agreed. Say, you look tired, and I need a break... let's go have an ale," the older of the two suggested.

They didn't say much as they enjoyed their ale. The brief respite was nice, and neither could really remember the last time they had time to just relax and do the things they wanted to do. Sure, they had time in hyperspace, but even then they were traveling to or from somewhere.

Soon enough it would end with the arrival of Anya and Tyr. As soon as their ship emerged from hyperspace, Trych's homing program should kick in and direct the other two to Raezyr and Trychon's location on the fringes of the sector.

From there, they could all travel back to Hoth and fill Dianna in on her part of the plan.

For now though, it was nice to just get in some well needed training time without the worry of other things.

The next morning, Trychon found his brother in the training room going through some of the drills he had learned the day before.

Raezyr looked up as his brother came in. "You ready to try the holocrons?"

"No, I have something else to try first," Trychon said with a grin.

He held out the unusually long lightsaber hilt with both hands, then flicked the switch with his thumb. The black blade sprang forth with a menacing hum. The younger Sith watched in anticipation as his brother reversed his grip, the flicked another switch on the cylinder, igniting the red blade from the other end.

Carefully, he spun the double-bladed lightsaber around and they both watched the red and black blades as they arced in a big circle.

Faster and faster he began to spin the weapon until he nearly lost control and ducked his head just in time.

"Trych, if you cut your own head off with that thing, don't come crying to me," the younger man grinned.

"Who is going to teach me how to use this thing anyway?" Trychon remarked, shutting the blades down.

"I can do that."

"Really?" the older brother remarked, giving Raezyr a skeptical look.

Raezyr sighed then pulled out his own blades. He adjusted the phase out-put of the shorter-bladed blue lightsaber, then lit the both up. He then placed the hilt ends together and twisted. A click echoed just above the humming of the blades as the two lightsabers locked together to create a double-bladed weapon. "Just because I prefer one style, doesn't mean I can't use others. Besides, anything I don't know about using one of these I can learn from Master Vilmax N'vaarq and pass on to you."

Trychon just grinned.

"Now, let's get to those other holocrons," Raezyr said, shutting off his blades and unhooking the hilts.

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