March 21, 2010

581. The Heist - Trychon

The two Sith stood by the docking entrance, flanked by Schyrt and Reed. Trychon stood with his hands casually clasped behind his back, while Raezyr crossed his arms in front of his chest. The two mercenaries stood at attention, not really sure what to expect.

Finally, a hissing and some heavy mechanical noise began to emanate from the hatch, which opened shortly thereafter, revealing Anya and Tyr on the other side. Anya was tapping her foot impatiently. Tyr was leaning against the bulkhead and seemed to be doing nothing other than observing Anya being impatient.

Anya muttered something under her breath before putting on a large smile. "Hey boys! How are you? Anyone need some stitching up? Feels like it's been forever since I had to clean a battle wound." She giggled to herself, not actually making any sound.

Raezyr snorted. "We've managed fine somehow, believe it or not..."

Feeling that things were already headed down the wrong road, Trychon jumped in. "Not that we never had an obstacle or two to maneuver." He added a small smile. "You know what they say though... anything that doesn't kill you obviously wasn't too hard to deal with afterall..."

Tyr raised an eyebrow. "They actually say that?"

Trychon shrugged. "I'm hoping it will catch on. Come on in, make yourself at home. Let's have a drink and catch up. Haven't stayed in touch as much as I'd planned."

Everyone began to turn to head to the common area when Schyrt and Reed looked at each other, unsure whether they had permission to move. Raezyr turned and saw both of the soldiers staring at them... and Anya. "Oh... right. Schyrt and Reed, this is Anya and Tyr. They're with us, they've just been handling other parts of our mission. Should the need arise, handle any order from them almost as though it was handed down from us. Anya, Tyr... this is Schyrt and Reed. They're going to go find work. Now."

The two men didn't argue, merely nodding their understanding and presumably heading off to find ways to stay busy.

The other four made their way to the common area. Trychon zealously overacted the part of the waiter, taking orders from the others and providing drinks and glasses with a cheesy smile.

"So guys... did you have fun finding your tablets and ancient secrets? I know it sure sounded like a blast." Tyr laughed.

Anya slugged him softly in the arm. "Tyr, don't be like that. They were off doing their part just like we were. I'm sure they not only did a great job, but had plenty to deal with, right Raez?"

Raezyr was surprised to see Anya smiling at him again. "Yeah, I guess. There were a few moments where it got interesting."

"But nothing that you two couldn't handle, of course..." Anya continued. "I knew you would be able to do Master's missions and make it back. I didn't expect you to be gone so long though. Are you glad to be done?"

Trychon also noticed that she was smiling at Raezyr more than usual. "Well, more than anything, we're glad that we got some holocrons and a few other things. You're really gonna love Master Daxon Var... he's the only holocron that seems to work. He's even more personable than Raez here." Trychon winked and raised his glass towards Raezyr.

Anya frowned at Trychon. "Look... I know I had my issues with Raez in the past, but I'm past that now. I realized that his advice has really helped me along the way with lots of things, and he was doing it for all of our good." With that she stood up and got herself another drink and one for Raezyr, ignoring Tyr and Trychon's glasses, which were also nearly empty.

Trychon used the Force to bring a few more drinks for himself and Tyr. "So now I'm the bad guy, I guess?" He followed the jest with another wink.

Anya took a drink while looking at Raezyr. "Don't be silly. It wasn't a slight at you... I just wanted to show my appreciation to Raez here for doing what was best for the group. Enough of this talk though... I'd like to hear some stories. Tyr and I will share after you guys do."

With a shrug, Raezyr motioned for Trychon to tell the tales, as he enjoyed storytelling so much more than Raezyr himself. The four Sith sat around for hours sharing stories, mainly Tyr and Trychon, though Anya and Raezyr interrupted when they began their normal exaggerations.

After Tyr and Anya headed off to move some of their belongings into the larger living quarters aboard the Stalker, Raezyr shot a concerned look at Trychon.

I have a bad feeling about the way Anya's acting. Something's up.

Trychon thought back. It worries me when women are nice to you too.

You know what I mean. I think there's more to it than her just suddenly seeing things my way.

What's the worst she can do... sleep with you? Oh no! Look out! She's undressing! Oh wait... I'm actually enjoying myself for once!

I know where you sleep, Trych.

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