March 31, 2010

585. The Heist - Raezyr

"Am I mentally challenged? Is that why I'm not getting this?" Trychon asked in frustration. He noticed Tyr had opened his mouth to say something and instinctively knew it was going to be laden with sarcasm. "Answer that question and you'll regret it."

Both of them chuckled. "Seriously though. How is that that Raez can pick this up but I can't?"

"Are you implying that I'm somehow inferior?" Raezyr said, glowering.

"Well, now that you mention it," the older brother shot back with a grin.

"Hey! How come you get to answer those kinds of questions?" Tyr asked, mock dejection on his face.

"It's because I'm more quick-witted than you," Trychon shot back. "But seriously, we don't have much more time to mess around trying to learn how to alter our facial features. If we're going to Corellia, and I'm still not sure I like the idea, we need to do it and get it over with."

"You can't go if you don't learn this, Trych," the blond Sith girl said a bit poutily. "Let's try it again."

"Let's not and say we did. Look, I'll just hang out on the ship while you guys go take care of things," Trychon suggested.

"You can't do that either, Trych. If the ships are getting a tune-up while we're there, then there will be techs in and out of here," Raezyr explained. "I think I have an idea of how you can still go and not have to learn this trick."

The big Sith warrior walked over to a locker where they kept spare bits of armor. Opening the door, he began to rummage around. "Here we go," he said triumphantly as he stood back, holding out his find.

"There is no way in Kelldonia that I'm wearing that thing... especially not for two days," the eldest Sith said in horror, staring at the battered Echani helm his younger brother was trying to hand him. "I have no idea who wore that last or where it's been. It was on the ship when we acquired it, for Chiss sake!"

"Don't be a baby. You know it's the only way, so just try it on," Raezyr said.

"I will NOT put that on," Trychon said adamantly, crossing his arms across his chest.


"How do you see in these things, Raez?" Trychon said, fiddling with the slightly over-sized helmet. "Hell, how do you breath in these things? It's hot as Tatooine at noon in here."

The four Sith walked down the busy avenue in Coronet, the capital city and the Jewel of Corellia. Speeders streamed by in the mid-day sunshine yet the cool breeze kept them comfortable for the most part.

"Stop messing with that thing. You're supposed to be a bounty hunter, but the more you fiddle with that, the more you look like what you really are: Some guy wearing a costume," Raezyr rebuked his older brother.

"I'm just saying..." Trychon began before he was interrupted.

"Yes... we know. You've been 'saying' for the last half hour now. We get it. You don't like the helmet. Now shut up, will you?" Raezyr said.

Trychon shrugged and walked on in silence as if suddenly he couldn't care less.

Raezyr's irritation, however, nearly cost him his concentration. It was getting a bit easier to maintain the illusion that his scar was missing, but he still longed for his own helmet, although wearing his own armor was out of the question, as there had been plenty of good footage of it from their mission on Coruscant. He sighed a bit to himself and worked on maintaining the Force illusion, occasionally checking his reflection in window to make sure it the scar was really gone.

"How much further is it, Anya?" Tyr inquired, bringing Raezyr's thoughts back to their situation at hand.

"Not much, the Blue Sector, where I used to live, is maybe another twenty minutes or so by foot," the blond said. Her demeanor had become more serious the closer they got to their destination.

"You sure you're ready to see your parents again?" Tyr asked her.

"After what they put me through growing up, going home is all I've thought about for years now."

1 comment:

  1. I'll try and find a decent helmet pic to go with the next post, perhaps...
