May 10, 2009

411. Pirates....... YAR! - Trychon

Raezyr and Trychon sat silently as they usually did at first as they enjoyed the brief serenity brought on by entering hyperspace. It wasn't long before Raezyr got up and beckoned Trychon to follow him back to the lounge. Gentes was not a long jump from Hoth, which was likely why Riv-ars had settled there. It gave him an advantage in being able to track and interfere with Dianna and her crew, as well as allowing him to use his own knowledge of the jobs and suppliers in the area to grow his own operation.

They sat down in chairs opposite of each other, then they both closed their eyes and meditated briefly on the tasks they had in hand. With any luck, the force would give them foresight into what they were headed into. They didn't expect any sort of future vision, as they hadn't had much experience in that regard, but any subtle leanings of the force could help them.

Trychon opened his eyes first, feeling a need to discuss any final adjustments they had to their plans to take back the cargo Riv-ars took from Dianna, as well as rescuing any hostages and putting an end to Riv-ars and crew. "Ok then," He said grabbing Raezyr's attention "Let's finish planning this out. We have a new resource, and we need to figure out how we want to use it and to what extent."

Raezyr shook his head. "Minimally. I still have my reservations about having them help us. They're on their own side, not necessarily ours even though they should line up at the moment. More than that though, I want to do this. I'm sure they have taken it personally... but so have I."

Trychon agreed. "Great points. We can use them as a distraction then. They can provide a bit of air support. We'll wave them down when we've secured the cargo. Then we'll send them out of our way. Does that work for you?"

"It's about perfect. If Taggart can divert their attention enough, I can fly us in low and we can drop in from above, and we can work to secure the cargo from there before we have all of Riv-ars' henchmen on us, hopefully."

Trychon nodded. "Excellent. The next hard part will be getting to the hostages without getting them executed."

Raezyr thought about it for a moment. "No clue. I think we'll just have to wing it."

"I like it."

Raezyr got up and stretched. "Anything else?"

Trychon closed his eyes. "One thing. What do we know about the rest of Riv-ars' crew?" Raezyr shrugged. "Not much."

Trychon continued. "I agree. We know very little about who he has working for him, aside from the fact that he managed to put together a big enough group to severely overpower part of Di's crew. What if..." He paused and tried to get his own thoughts gathered. "What if we found that some of them were a bit more open to suggestion or a change of leadership?"

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