May 30, 2009

436. Manipulation of Emotion - Raezyr

Raezyr meditated in his room for a while before stretching out on his bunk. When Trychon told him earlier how things had gone with Kord's friends, his "stuff happens" attitude almost had him fooled, even with their Force connection.

Despite his closeness with his old Master, they had never discussed feelings and emotions much, and he wouldn't have known what to say to Trychon had his older brother been wanting to discuss them.

He laid there for a while, sensing Trychon's restless dreams. He'll get it worked out. What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger, he thought to himself as he drifted off to sleep. Tomorrow, he needed to figure out where to acquire a shuttle for their "landing" on Altax IV.

The next day Raezyr was sitting in the cockpit, going over star system maps, when Trychon entered and took his usual seat at the co-pilot's chair. "Here: The Matra System in the Tingel Arm. That's where we'll pick up a shuttle."

"What's there?" Trychon asked, going over some system checks of his own.

"The main planet is called Den Var. It's an independent, city-wide planet, so we won't have to worry about Republic entanglements, although they do have a small fleet of their own. We should be able to find someone selling a shuttle there," Raezyr said. He further laid out plans for taking possession of the ship and getting all three ships to the Bermatrix system. "Once we engage the slave circuits on this ship, we can slave it to the the Stalker, and when it jumps, so will the Razor."

They spent the next several days sparring and working out in the mornings and used the afternoons to study their tomes or sit under instruction from Daxon Var's holocron.

Despite the wraith's constant berating and tirades on their ineptitude, he did note that they were making remarkable progress in their skills. It had been quite a while since they had had down time to just study and train, and they could feel that their powers were growing significantly under the ancient Sith Lord's direct tutelage.

Finally the day came when they exited hyperspace into the outer edges of the Matra system. Few of the systems in the Tingel Arm of the galaxy were colonized and the ones that were were mostly mining or farming colonies, and Den Var had become a central planet for supply, trade, and industry in the sector.

Trychon put the Twilight Stalker into orbit around one of the outer, uninhabitable planets, and they began the four hour trip in to Den Var. As they came in, they noted that it wasn't as built up as places like Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa, or Taris had been. One could still walk on the ground between the buildings and see the sky above.

Night had fallen where at the large spaceport where they parked their ship, then caught a speeder shuttle to a posh, nearby hotel. They checked in, freshened up, changed clothes and then headed to one of the upscale nightclubs called Club Sky. They felt they had earned a break from all the training and studying they had done on their trip, and they did have a few creds to spare. Tomorrow would be soon enough to locate a ship.

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