May 25, 2009

431. Pirates....... YAR! - Trychon

Trychon flipped over his datapad, which had a black surface but was reflective enough to allow him to view his own eyes. Sure enough, there were a handful of small yellow dots in his normally green irises. They both knew this was a possibility or even an eventuality. Trychon wasn't sure if the situation was permanent, increasing, or reverse able. He decided he also didn't care. If it became an issue, he could always get micro lenses that would cover them. In fact, he was sure he could find some that had some nice extra features that would be handy and maybe help him catch up to Haley, and without the need for surgically modifying anything.

He turned to Raezyr. "Take us out of here. Then we can turn this place to dust." They were both looking forward to that part, Trychon mused. He was going to let the Sith Stalker take a few shots at the key points he'd already loaded into its computer, and it should be enough to topple the building, while leaving some of the underground in tact, such as Riv-ars' private hangar. The Black Phoenix crew didn't know anything would be left... and Di's crew would be convinced that it was destroyed as well. Yet, if they ever needed a haven, this would be one more.

Raezyr piloted the ship out of the main hangar, and straight up nearly a thousand feet before circling around. He did it with less flourish than he normally used, no fancy turns or unnecessary adjustments, concentrating on just flying the ship out cleanly. As he made his wide loop, Trychon signaled to the Stalker to pull back down out of orbit one last time. It had been waiting for the signal, and did not take very long to pull within firing distance of the building they'd just vacated.

Trychon took one last look at the place. "It was our pleasure, Riv-ars. Good bye." Then he gestured to Raezyr, who fired two shots at the center of the building. He took the Jet Razor in a path directly over the target, which Trychon had told him would be perfectly safe but interesting. As they flew by, the air around their ship was filled with turbolaser blasts from several guns at the same time. Several of the blasts nearly grazed the shields, but none did, with the computer brain of the Stalker shooting around them perfectly while laying waste to its programmed target.

"Impressive." Raezyr smiled. He took the Razor up past the larger automated ship and set a course straight away from the planet, ready to get back to the Lair.

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