May 11, 2009

412. Pirates....... YAR! - Raezyr

"What do you have in mind?" Raezyr queried, a puzzled look on his face.

Trychon laid out his idea for the other man to consider. Raezyr looked a bit troubled as Trychon concluded his plan. "I like it, but..."

"But, what?" Trychon prompted, watching Raezyr pace around the lounge in thought.

Raezyr scratched his neck. He stopped his pacing and placed his hands on his hips. "But I'm not sure how Dianna is going to take it."

"Dianna isn't going to know, because we're not going to tell her," Trychon said, looking at Raezyr who had a troubled look on his face. "Raez, I like Di... a lot. I consider her a good friend. If I didn't, I wouldn't be on the way to Gentes with you right now, but I think you're starting to lose focus."

Raezyr set his jaw defensively and turned his head slightly to the side. "How so?"

"As a member of the Sith, what is your most desired goal?" Trychon asked.

Raezyr was caught off guard by the question. "Where are you going with this?"

"Just bear with me and answer the question, alright?"

Raezyr eyed him curiously. "To bring about the destruction of the Jedi," he replied matter of factly.

"And to do that, what do we need?"

"Power... and money. And lots of both..."

"Now tell me how what we're doing now fits in with any of that," Trychon said.

"What exactly are you saying, here, Trych?" Raezyr asked suspiciously. He knew there was going to be serious trouble between them if Trychon suggested he break things off with Dianna.

Trychon sensed it and picked his words carefully. "Look Raez, I've got no problem with your relationship with the pirate queen. I'm just trying to incorporate some of our ultimate goals with our current ones. But you need to keep the larger prize in focus, too. We're going to follow my plan, because, if successful, it'll be a large step toward those ends. If you think Di might not be happy about it, then we don't tell her.

"You just need to keep your head on straight, and realize that if your girlfriend ever gets in the way of your ultimate goal, you need to be able to recognize it and deal with it like a Sith, should it ever become necessary." Trychon leaned back and twirled his lightsaber in his fingers, waiting for Raezyr's response, and not quite sure what it was going to be.

Raezyr thought for a moment, struggling to find any flaw in Trychon's reasoning, but in the end he had no choice but to agree with his older brother. "You're right," he said and slumped down into the chair opposite Trychon. "Do me a favor, though, and tell me if you ever think I'm getting off course."

"I can do that," Trychon replied, relieved that Raezyr didn't have the opposite reaction. He chuckled a bit. "You know, Raez, for half a second, I was worried we might be duking this out."

Raezyr grinned. "For half a second, so did I."

Suddenly, a warning beacon began to go off. "Proximity alert," Aitchkay said from the corner of the lounge where he had been standing. Both men had become accustomed to his presence, and they sometimes forgot he was even around.

Raezyr jumped to his feet. "Oh my god. What can it be? We're all doomed! Who's flying this thing!?" he said, looking around in mock horror. "Oh right, that would be me."

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