May 19, 2009

422. Pirates....... YAR! - Trychon

Trychon inched the blade a bit closer to the Khommite's neck and the alien began to answer at the same time one of his crew pulled his trigger. The bolt headed straight at Trychon's head before his blade swung back to intercept it. He managed to redirect it at the pirate next to the one who'd fired. The energy poured into his lower torso, weakened by a layer of armor. The pirate clutched his stomach as he doubled over on the floor, restraining his screams to mere groans of agony.

Trychon swept the blade back to the throat of the helpless alien. "Looks painful." He could feel the other pirates tensing for another shot when the Khommite yelled.

"STOP." He looked at his men. "There's nothing to gain by this." Looking back to Trychon and Raezyr he continued. "Your men are in the prison. We never log arrivals and departures for the obvious reasons."

Trychon loosened his grip on the man without letting go. "You'll want to see to your man. Find a nice quiet corner and stay out of the way." He took out a small metal object from his belt and jammed it into the open wound in the Khommite's leg. "We may have more questions later."

The alien fell to the floor, grasping at his wound... and staring at the now blinking object protruding from his leg.

Trychon and Raezyr turned back down the hall they came from and headed back in the direction of the prisoners. They could hear the upset conversation behind them start quietly and rise to a full argument as they turned the corner.

As they jogged down the hall, Raezyr glanced at Trychon. "What was that?"

"Just a homing transponder. They'll think twice about it though."

They picked up their pace and made it down several hallways and stairs until they neared their destination. The alien had told them the truth, as they could feel a number of familiar presences on the other side of the door they approached, as well as a small handful of ones that weren't as familiar.

Trychon turned to his more battle tested brother. "Got a plan?"

Raezyr nodded. "Let's go get them."

Trychon ignited his blade. "These ones die. Di's crew can't see us taking prisoners." Then he punched in the code to open the door to the prison block. As they walked in, they could hear shuffling, but they could not see anyone immediately. The cells were split on both sides of the room, with the metal doors locked among stone walls and only small panes of transparisteel to observe through.

They were about to walk to the first one to begin releasing Dianna's crew when the door at the back right hand corner clicked and slid open. Kord's head popped out. Trychon could feel the young man's fear from across the room, although he seemed a bit reassured to see them.

"Kord!" Trychon exclaimed. He was about to ask how everyone was when he saw Kord continue slowly out into the opening. Behind him was a short little man, holding a holdout blaster to the base of Kord's skull.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Trychon asked the man, allowing his anger to flow freely into his voice. It reverberated throughout the room.

"I'm... negotiating. Myself any my fellow workers would like..."

That was all the man managed to get out before Trychon yanked a stone out of the wall in fury, hurling it at the man's head. His aim was perfect, and there was a loud, sickening crunch as the stone was barely slowed by the impact with the skull of the guard.

Kord's eyes opened as wide as they ever had, and Trychon felt relieved as he saw him begin to smile as he always had. Then the smoke began to curl up from behind his head, and the young man's body crumpled to the floor, all strength leaving him.

The scream came immediately. "KORD!" Trychon heard the voice, and he thought it was his, but the pitch sounded all wrong. He was frozen in place seeing his friend fall to the ground repeatedly in his head, until he saw Teera crawl out of the cell Kord had emerged from. She was clearly in poor shape, as she favored nearly all of her limbs as she struggled to get to the bodies in the opening.

Finally, Trychon found his voice. "NOOO!" Was all he could manage as he could feel his vision slip away from him in unadulterated hate. The door almost directly to his left swung open and he turned to center what was left of his vision on the guard that emerged with his blaster pointed directly at him.

The guard pulled the trigger and then dropped the suddenly crumpled weapon in confusion.

Trychon closed the gap without remembering taking any steps. He felt his arm go to the mans throat and grip him while pulling him off his feet, his strength aided through the dark side. He felt a charge race through him and the man began to shake uncontrollably.

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