May 17, 2009

414. Pirates....... YAR! - Trychon

They reverted to realspace as Raezyr pulled back on the lever. The planet was already large in their view. They light from the nearby star was lighting up the whole of the planet. They'd come in on the day side.

Trychon looked at their sensors, and as the force would have it the coordinates he had gotten off of the transmissions was on the far side of the planet from them. He then noted to Raezyr as the two ships accompanying them pulled out of hyperspace on approach from the edge of the system.

"Perfect. You may want to hang on." Raezyr said as he began to pull and twist on the controls, sending them in a dive nearly straight for the planet, which began to grow larger and larger by the second on the screen.

Trychon couldn't help but point, despite his trust in Raezyr. "Planet's coming up a mite fast."

Raezyr was smiling with a calm serenity that he nearly only had at the controls of his ship. "That's just cause I'm going down too quick. Likely crash and kill us all."

Trychon concentrated on the force to hold himself fast to the seat. "Well, that happens... you be sure to let me know."

Raezyr let the comment stand as he kept them pointed at the planet until they started to heat up the outer skin of his ship, at which point he began to ease back their speed and trajectory, still doing his best to get them down as quickly as possible.

As Raezyr leveled them out minutes later, and as he read the instruments to insure that the ship handled it as well as it should have, he had Trychon open up a secure link to Taggart's ship.

Trychon a few buttons before starting the uplink. "Jetrazor to Kingsman one, come in."

Through a bit of static at first due to the security Trychon had placed on the call, they heard Taggart respond. " We...rived in syst...coordin..." Trychon punched a few buttons. "...s planned. We see your escort ship here, but where in the blazes are you?"

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