May 25, 2009

428. Pirates....... YAR! - Raezyr

The members of the crew sat in silence. Some looked at the dead body on the floor, others looked at the two Sith in the front of the office, and some seemed to try and avoid looking at anything all together.

"Very well then," Trychon continued. "You," he said, pointing to the man wearing the guard uniform. "Get that thing out of here. Lord Raezyr and I will return in a moment. I want you all to think about what I've said." With that, he pushed his chair away from the desk and stood up and walked toward a side door that lead to Riv-ars private quarters. Raezyr followed him, taking care that his steps didn't falter.

When they had closed the door behind them, Trychon reached into his pouch, pulled out a stimulant injector and handed it to Raezyr who injected it. Immediately he felt a rush of adrenaline and energy course through his body, artificially replenishing his stamina.

"Much better," Raezyr sighed, tossing the empty injector onto the bunk, then turning back to Trychon. "What's up?"

"Any thoughts on who we put in charge?" Trychon asked.

Raezyr and Trychon discussed various individuals for a moment, but they kept coming back to Raezyr's initial suggestion of Falka, the Khommite. "He's a warrior, and clearly some of the men respect and obey him," Raezyr said.

"Plus he seems cool-headed and logical," Trychon concurred.

"Now how about his First Mate?" Raezyr inquired. They discussed it for a few moments, as Raezyr suggested installing the cyborg Haley Stargazer as second in command.

"Didn't you want to kill her just a little while ago?" Trychon asked, a bit confused as to how Raezyr could make such a change in so short of a time.

"Oh, I was just wanting to kill everyone at that point. But now that I've had some time to think rationally, I think we can control her a bit easier, and if she's second, then that will give us a bit more control over Falka," the younger Sith explained.

"I think we should let him choose. Not only will it show the crew the level of trust we are placing in him, the kind of person he chooses will tell us a lot about Falka, as well," Trychon suggested. "Besides, I have something else in mind for her. She is going to be our eyes and ears in Falka's inner circle."

"Very well, third in command, then?"

"Agreed," Trychon said, turning back toward the door to the office. "Let's get back in there before they have too much time to think."

They walked through the door and resumed their positions at the front of the office. The crew had been talking in hushed tones and quieted instantly as the Sith reappeared.

"Where were, we before we were interuppted?" Trychon asked.

"I believe we were about to appoint a new Captain for this crew," Raezyr answered.

"Oh, yes. Falka, you will be in charge," Trychon said.

The Khommite stood up slowly. "I am honored by your offer, but may I speak?"

"We welcome your opinion. We wouldn't have appointed you if we didn't," Trychon said, leaning back and resting his forearms on the chair's arms.

"I am not sure if I am comfortable, leading a crew who answers to ones as evil as the Sith. If stating such forfeits my life, then so be it," Falka said.

Raezyr stood up and put his hands on his hips and laughed. "Evil? Captain, it is clear that you have been listening to the lies of the Jedi.

"The Sith do what is necessary to further their goals. Just because we do not answer to someone else's idea of morality, does not make us evil. Each of you has run afoul of the Republic and their laws. They would designate you as evil for not following their rules, just as the Jedi call us evil for not following theirs.

"I could just as easily term the Jedi as evil. They steal children from their families to brain wash them and force their code of ethics down the throats of the unwilling across the Galaxy, but because they are in power, they are allowed to do as they see fit, with the blessing of the tyrannic Galactic Republic. I say they are the true evil to be contended with." Raezyr looked at the Khommite and waited for his answer.

"I see what you are saying, and that makes perfect sense," Falka said looking at the floor, thinking over what Raezyr had said, and he could not find any flaw in the logic. "Very well. I accept your offer to lead this crew."

"Good," Trychon said. "Now, as your first duty, please choose your second in command."

Falka raised an eyebrow in surprise. He spoke with only the slightest hesitation. "I choose Tocar," he said indicating the human male that was seated next to him. "He's been a smuggler and a pirate for a long time. He has many contacts and is familiar with most of standard space traffic routes, as well as many lesser known ones."

"Excellent," Trychon commented. "We are going to name Miss Stargazer as your third in command. She has skills and resources that will be unavailable to you. Her expertise should prove invaluable to you." A few of the crew members grumbled a bit at the announcement that a cyborg would have authority. It was well known throughout the galaxy that cyborgs were often considered second class citizens, or on some worlds, slaves.

Falka spoke up before Trychon and Raezyr could. "You heard what has been ordered by our new Masters. If any of you have a problem with that, you will answer to me." He glared around at those who had grumbled, and they looked down at the floor in acquiescence.

"Now, our first order is that all but the three named go immediately and pack everything of value and load everything you can onto what ships you have remaining. You have exactly one hour. After that, we will be destroying this base and you will no longer be operating in this Sector. If you must chose between something you need, and something of value, take what is of value. You will be able to purchase that which you need later. That is all," Trychon commanded then turned to the computer console on the desk, not because he needed to look at anything, but as a sign of dismissal.

The crew stood and filed out of the door. Curious discussion began as soon as they hit the hallway, and in moments Trychon and Raezyr were left alone in the office with Falka, Tocar, and Haley Stargazer.

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