May 18, 2009

417. Pirates....... YAR! - Raezyr

Raezyr and Trychon watched the dogfight through the information readout on the scopes. It was difficult to sit on the ground, engines running and just simply observe the dogfight taking place only a short distance away. Had they wanted, they could have been in the midst of the battle in mere seconds, but they needed to wait and let Taggart do his job.

"Draw them out a bit farther," Raezyr said quietly, more to himself than to the droid or his partner. If the fight was too close to Riv-ars base, one of the fighters might spot them visually.

"Here we go," Raezyr said as a third fighter went down. He slammed the throttles into high and the ship shot forward toward the trees in front of them. Trychon gripped the edge of the control panel in front of him, his knuckles turning white as they barely cleared the tree tops.

"Cut that a bit close, didn't we?" Trychon panted, his hands still in a death grip on the panel.

"Can't be helped. Any higher and their sensors might pick us up. Shut down all active scanners, and our transponder too," Raezyr replied, gripping the steering yoke tightly, his eyes locked on terrain in front of them. With the sensors off, he would have to do everything by sight and feel, with no aid from the ship. At the speed they were moving, a slight misjudgment or moment of carelessness, and the ship would trench a fiery furrow in the forest below them.

"You sure about that? You'll be flying blind," Trychon said, complying with Raezyr's orders all the same.

"That can't be helped either."

Trychon finished shutting down the systems, then closed his eyes and held on tight. If they crashed, he didn't want to see it.

The Jet Razor skimmed the top of the foliage below at breakneck speed, only slowing down when their target was in sight. He pulled the ship into a hover just above the large building, then carefully slid out of the seat, as Aitchkay slipped in.

Trychon and Raezyr made their way back to the ship's emergency ventral hatch and activated the airlock. The roaring whine of the repulsor lifts filled the air. When the doors were fully opened, Raezyr put on his helmet and dropped out. He landed on the roof fifteen meters below in a crouch, and rolled as Trychon landed a split second after him. Trychon pulled his com link from his belt. "Huck, go back the way we came several kilometers, then pop up and give Tags a hand."

Raezyr watched as the hatch doors slid closed and the ship took off across the tree tops. "If he scratches my ship, I'll turn that droid into scrap."

Trychon put the comm away and headed toward the edge of the building and looked over the edge. The base was four stories tall, but there was a large window about two stories down. They pulled out their grappling hooks and attached them to the edge of the roof and the line to the mechanisms on their belts, then rappelled down the side of the building in two jumps.

With his lightsaber, Raezyr stabbed the transparisteel window and it shattered. After kicking out the remaining shards, he hauled himself into the room and looked around, followed closely by Trychon.

It was a medium sized dormitory type of room, sparsely furnished. The bed was unmade, and the closet was open. A few articles of clothing were strewn about the floor. Trychon walked over to the computer terminal on the wall.

With help from his data pad, he quickly had access to Riv-ars' base's central computer. He downloaded a complete map of the base to his data pad, then began looking for the location of the cargo and prisoners.

Trychon grinned at his half-brother as he disconnected his data pad. "They be makin' it easy fer us. The booty still be in the landing hangar," Trcyhon growled in his best pirate voice.

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